Report of the EIA Subcommittee
for advice
The EIA Subcommittee (the Subcommittee) considered the EIA report on "Kai Tai Airport North Apron Decommissioning" at its meeting on 3 August 1998.
This EIA assesses the potential environmental impacts arising from the proposed work under the "South East Kowloon Development at Kai Tak Airport (KTA) Design and Construction for Decontamination and Site Preparation" project.
Key activities of the project include:
(a) Decommissioning of airport related facilities;
(b) Decontamination of the airport site;
(c) Building and pavement demolition; and
(d) Site preparation.
It will provide groundwork for future residential, commercial and industrial development and landscaping at the KTA North Apron site.
The EIA Study
The EIA assesses impacts in respect of construction noise, air quality, water quality, demolition waste, ecology and land contamination. It concludes that the environmental impacts can either be considered small or can be mitigated to an extent that is acceptable to the receivers. An environmental monitoring and audit programme will be required for noise, air quality, water quality and land contamination.
EIA Subcommittee's Views and Recommendations
Members discussed the EIA full report and the EM&A report in detail at the meeting. They generally agreed with the EIA's conclusions that the environmental impacts of the project were either small or could be mitigated to an extent that was acceptable to the receivers.
The Subcommittee noted a letter from Lovell White Durrant acting on behalf of the Oil Companies Tank Farm. While appreciating concerns of the letter about the effectiveness of decontamination Method II - Soil Vapour Extraction and Air Sparging system, Members agreed with the approach proposed in the EIA report, that pilot tests should be conducted before implementation, and further soil test would continue to monitor the effectiveness of the clean up. Where necessary an alternative method - Excavation and Biopile system will be adopted.
The Subcommittee also noted that the project proponent would convey Members' concerns on the health of workers involved in excavation work near the Ma Tau Kok Gas Works to relevant parties.
The Chairman proposed and Members agreed to recommend ACE to endorse the captioned EIA report on the condition that the project proponent should submit a report on the final soil quality for inspection by the Subcommittee.
The project proponent agreed to report the final soil quality before the start of housing development.
Advice Sought
Members are requested to advise whether the EIA report should be endorsed.
Planning, Environment and Lands Bureau
August 1998