Advisory Council on the Environment
Vision and Goals for Victoria Harbour
(ACE Paper 26/99)
for information
1.1 |
This paper is to seek Members' comments on the Town Planning Board (TPB)'s draft vision and goals for Victoria Harbour (the Harbour). |
2.1 |
Since the exhibition of the Outline Zoning Plans (OZPs) covering the proposed reclamations in the Central District and South East Kowloon, the public has raised considerable concerns over the future use of the Harbour. |
2.2 |
In the light of the public concerns, TPB has drafted the vision and goals for the Harbour, which will serve as the basis for formulating a long-term planning strategy to guide the future planning of the Harbour. |
2.3 |
The boundaries of the Harbour are as defined in Schedule 3 in Cap. 1 of the Laws of Hong Kong (see page 1 of Appendix 1). |
3.Vision and Goals for the Harbour
3.1 |
A booklet indicating TPB's draft vision and goals for the Harbour is at Appendix 1. |
4.Public Consultation
4.1 |
The LegCo Panel on Planning, Lands and Works and the Land and Building Advisory Committee (LBAC) were briefed on the draft vision and goals for Victoria Harbour on 10.6.99 and 22.6.99 respectively. Both the LegCo Panel and the LBAC supported the vision and goals, but pointed out that it would be essential to work out the implementation mechanism. |
4.2 |
At the public forum held by the Planning Department on 23.6.99, during which the TPB's draft vision and goals for the Harbour were discussed, the issue of implementation mechanism was also raised. |
5.Next Steps
5.1 |
The vision and goals will be refined after incorporating the public views collected from the series of public consultation, where appropriate. |
5.2 |
The vision and goals will form the basis for refining the land-use proposals for South East Kowloon Development and Central and Wanchai Reclamation. |
5.3 |
The vision and goals will also form the basis for reviewing the waterfront land-uses along the Harbour to be undertaken as part of the current Metroplan Review, which is due for completion in late 2000. |
5.4 |
The public will be consulted again on the waterfront land-uses proposed in the Metroplan Review. |
5.5 |
Based on the findings of the waterfront land-use review, the mechanism of implementing the vision and goals will be worked out. For instance, statutory outline zoning plans covering the Harbour and the waterfront areas may be prepared. |
Planning Department
July 1999