Guidance Note (Environmental Protection)

Contractors are encouraged to minimise the impact of their activities on the environment and to observe the following requirements in particular:

  • Comply with all applicable legal and other requirements on environmental protection.
  • Control the use of materials and resources (e.g. electricity, fuel, chemicals, paper, etc.) to minimise their consumption and unnecessary wastage. Use environment-friendly alternatives where possible during your daily operations.
  • Store properly all materials/chemicals to prevent any spillage and leakage.
  • Minimise the production of solid waste and chemical waste.
  • Ensure all solid waste is properly handled, stored and disposed of in an efficient and sensitive manner to avoid any spillage and leakage. In particular, all chemical waste should be handled, stored and disposed of in accordance with the applicable legal requirements.
  • Ensure proper and regular maintenance of all vehicles used for the purpose of conducting business, including controlling their noise and emissions.
  • Minimise all air emissions and noise generation where practicable.
  • Ensure all waste water is discharged in accordance with the applicable legal requirements.
  • Reuse and recycle waste wherever possible.