List of Guidance Notes on Best Practicable Means (BPM) for Specified Processes

Aluminium Works (Secondary Aluminium Processes) PDF

Cement Works (Cement Depot) PDF

Cement Works (Concrete Batching Plant) PDF

Cement Works (Concrete Block / Precast Concrete) PDF

Cement Works (Manufacture of Cement and Associated Processes) PDF

Chemical Incineration Works PDF

Copper Works (Melting of Copper and/or Copper Alloy) PDF

Electricity Works (Coal-fired Plant, Gas-fired Gas Turbine, and Oil-fired Gas Turbine (Peak Lopping Plant)) PDF

Electricity Works (Emergency Generators) PDF

Gas Works (Carbonization and Gasification of Plant Biomass) PDF

Gas Works (Carbonization and Gasification of Prescribed Materials Other Than Plant Biomass) PDF

Incinerators (Crematoria) PDF

Incinerators (Municipal Waste Incineration) [for MWI tendered for construction before 1 August 2024] PDF

Incinerators (Municipal Waste Incineration) [for MWI tendered for construction on or after 1 August 2024PDF

Incinerators (Sewage Sludge Incineration) [for SSI tendered for construction before 1 August 2024] PDF

Incinerators (Sewage Sludge Incineration) [for SSI tendered for construction on or after 1 August 2024] PDF

Iron and Steel Works (Cupolas) PDF

Iron and Steel Works (Electric Arc Furnace) PDF

Lead Works (Manufacture and Use of Lead Compounds) PDF

Mineral Works (Stone Crushing Plants) PDF

Mineral Works (Pulverised Fuel Ash Classification Plant) PDF

Mineral Works (Incinerator Bottom Ash Treatment Plant) PDF

Non-ferrous Metallurgical Works (Melting of Zinc and/or Zinc Alloy) PDF

Organic Chemical Works (Batch Manufacture of Organic Chemicals in Multipurpose Plant) PDF

Organic Chemical Works (Bulk Storage of Organic Liquids) PDF

Pathological Waste Incinerators PDF

Petrochemical Works (Polymerisation of Olefins) PDF

Petroleum Works (Preparation of Used Lubrication Oil for Re-use by Thermal Process) PDF

Rendering Works (Fish Meal Factory) PDF

Rendering Works (Lard / Bone Boiling Factory) PDF

Tar and Bitumen Works (Asphalt Concrete Plants) PDF

Zinc Galvanising Works (Hot Dip Galvanising) PDF


Supplementary Guides on Continuous Emission Monitoring


General Requirements of Continuous Emission Monitoring (CEM) System PDF


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