VOC content limits for regulated vessel paints and regulated pleasure craft paints

VOC Content Limits (expressed as grams of VOC per litre of coating in a ready to use condition) and Effective Dates for Regulated Vessel Paints 

  Regulated Vessel Paints Maximum Limits of VOC Content and Effective Dates
1 Jan 2010 1 Apr 2012
1 Antenna coatings  530 -
2 Elastomeric adhesives  730 -
3 Extreme high gloss coatings   490 -
4 Heat resistant coatings  420 -
5 High gloss coatings  340 -
6 High temperature coatings  500 -
7 Inorganic zinc coatings   650 -
8 Low activation interior coatings  420 -
9 Marine maintenance coatings  450 -
10 Metallic heat resistant coatings   530 -
11 Navigational aids coatings  340 -
12 Pre-treatment primers   550 -
13 Pre-treatment wash primers  780 -
14 Repair and maintenance thermoplastic coatings  550 -
15 Sealant coatings for wire-sprayed aluminium 610 -
16 Shop primers  700 -
17 Special marking coatings 490 -
18 Tack coatings   610 -
19 Tank lining coatings 500 -
20 Undersea weapons system coatings  340 -
21 Antifouling coatings  - 400
22 Antifouling sealer coatings  - 420
23 Other vessel coatings   340 -


VOC Content Limits (expressed as grams of VOC per litre of coating in a ready to use condition) and Effective Dates for Regulated Pleasure Craft Paints 

  Regulated Pleasure Craft Paints Maximum Limits of VOC Content and Effective Dates  
1 Jan 2011  1 Apr 2012 
1 Clear wood finishes: sealers  550 
2 Clear wood finishes: varnishes  490 
3 Finish primers and surfacers  600 
4 High build primers and surfacers  340 
5 Pre-treatment wash primers  780 
6 Teak primers  775 
7 Topcoats: extreme high gloss coatings 600 
8 Topcoats: high gloss coatings  420 
9 Antifouling coatings for aluminium substrates  - 560
10 Antifouling coatings for other substrates  330 
11 Antifouling sealer coatings  420 
12 Self-polishing copolymer antifouling coatings  400
13 Other pleasure craft coatings  420