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Recommended Pollution Control Clauses for Construction Contracts

2. Water Pollution Control

2.4 Protection of Water Quality at Water Intakes
2.4.1 When dredging mud or placing fill in the vicinity of water intakes, the Contractor shall protect the water intake by surrounding it with a suitable silt screen to prevent excessive suspended solids from entering the intake. The silt screen shall be designed to ensure that the concentration of suspended solids entering the intake meets intake user requirements.
2.5 Silt Curtains
2.5.1 If silt curtains shall be used to contain sediment losses during dredging and placing fill, the Contractor shall be responsible for the design, installation and maintenance of the silt curtains to minimize the impacts on the water quality and the protection of water quality at water intakes as described in Clause 2.4.1. The design and specification of the silt curtains shall be submitted by the Contractor to the Engineer for approval.
2.5.2 Silt curtains shall be formed from tough, abrasion resistant, permeable membranes, suitable for the purpose, supported on floating booms in such a way as to ensure that the sediment plume shall be restricted to within the limit of the works area.
2.5.3 The silt curtain shall be formed and installed in such a way that tidal rise and fall are accommodated, with the silt curtains always extend from the surface to the bottom of the water column. The removal and reinstallation of such curtains during typhoon conditions shall be as agreed with the Director of Marine.
2.5.4 The Contractor shall regularly inspect the silt curtains and check that they are moored and marked to avoid danger to marine traffic. Any damage to the silt curtain shall be repaired by the Contractor promptly and the works shall be stopped until the repair is effected to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

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