Rural Planning and Improvement Strategy - Minor Projects Environmental Guidance Note

3. Guidances on Environmental consideration of RPIS Minor Projects



3.12 If the pier works involve dredging and filling, the works should be located at least 500m away from water sensitive receivers.
3.13 Works for new pier should be located at least 50m away from Fish Culture Zone (FCZ) but works for existing pier should be located as far as practicable from any FCZ. If FCZ is in vicinity, water quality monitoring may be required before and throughout the works period to ensure no unacceptable impacts on the fish culture operation. Funds for exgratia or compensation payment should be reserved in case the works caused unacceptable impacts on the fish culture operation.
3.14 Any destruction of sensitive and important marine habitats or species such as coral, etc., should be avoided as far as possible.
3.15 Specific mitigation measures such as silt curtain and the adoption of minimal pollution dredging and backfilling technique should be considered for the works.
3.16 Possible impact of pier structure on surrounding water circulation should be considered. Adverse impact on surrounding water circulation, which will worsen the water quality, should be avoided.
3.17 Procedures of the ETWB Technical Circular (Works) No. 34/2002 - Management of dredged/excavated sediment


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