Executive Summary of Environmental Baseline Report


3.3.1 Baseline Resources and Key Pressures

Despite a reduction in growth in demand for freshwater since 1990, the amount of freshwater required each year in Hong Kong in absolute terms continues to increase (Figure 3.3a) albeit that overall per capita supply is declining (Figure 3.3b). Efficiency of water supply is improved through utilisation of seawater for flushing (73% of flushing water is derived from the sea) though freshwater supply is affected by leakage which is estimated at a 22.5% rate of loss.

Figure 3.3a: Total Volume of Freshwater Supplied in Hong KongFigure 3.3a: Total Volume of Freshwater Supplied in Hong KongFigure 3.3b: Volume of Freshwater Supplied per Capita in Hong Kong

Figure 3.3b: Volume of Freshwater Supplied per Capita in Hong KongThe majority of Hong Kong's freshwater (76% in 1998) (Figure 3.3c) is supplied under an agreement with Mainland authorities from the Dongjiang River. The current supply agreement with the Mainland lasts until 2004 and rapid urban development in Southern China may pose a constraint on the amount of water available for future export to Hong Kong in future. The quality of the Dongjiang water has also been questioned over recent months and whilst current supplies meet drinking water standards, it is possible that in future additional treatment plant will be required. There is limited opportunity to significantly increase the capacity of freshwater reservoirs and water catchments in Hong Kong.

Figure 3.3c: Percentage of Freshwater Supply from Guangdong to Hong Kong

Figure 3.3c: Percentage of Freshwater Supply from Guangdong to Hong Kong


The demand for freshwater is principally under pressure from population growth and increasing affluence, though counter measures such as investment in supply infrastructure to reduce leakage, water conservation initiatives and more radical proposals such as water charging may be developed to manage demand.


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