Examples of Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) in Hong Kong

Case 2 - Tseung Kwan O New Town Feasibility Study of Opportunities for Further Development 1989

Key Environmental Outcomes or Influences


  1. Land use plans that accommodate 400,000 people and meet the environmental planning standards and guidelines.
  2. Only clean fuel allowed to protect air quality
  3. Industrial areas are sited away from the major residential area.
  4. Proper design of urban form to avoid local air quality problems.
  5. Proper urban form design to avoid adverse traffic and railway noise impact.


Image of Breezway allowed in the Tseung Kwan O New Town Planning to improve air quality
Breezway allowed in the Tseung Kwan O New Town Planning to improve air quality

Type of Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)


Environmental assessment of development plans.


Nature and Scope of the Proposal


A feasibility study of Tseung Kwan O New Town to accommodate a total population of 400,000 in conjunction with a 70 ha Industrial Estate.



Basis of SEA Requirement


The Government directive in 1988 requiring plans to be subject to environmental assessment.


Relationship with Decision Making


The findings of the SEA form the basis of formulating the new town development.


Alternatives or Options Assessed


Alternative options were compared.


Methods and Techniques


Environmental appraisal criteria incorporated in land use options generation. Aerial emission, landfill gas, water quality and noise modellings were carried out.


Latest Status


The new town is being implemented in stages according to the study findings.


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