Examples of Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) in Hong Kong

Case 6 - Freight Transport Study 1994

Key Environmental Outcomes or Influences

1. Environmental considerations factored into the key recommendations such as:
  - Overnight parking
  - Container storage
  - Cross-border freight issue.
2. A list of environmental follow-up actions identified, including the need to tighten the control on vehicle emissions.

Type of Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)

Environmental assessment of the freight transport strategy for Hong Kong, which is the world's busiest container port.

Photo of Container Port
Container Port

Nature and Scope of the Proposal

The study was carried out in parallel with other major strategic reviews to determine a strategy for dealing with freight transport. Under a high growth scenario, the daily goods-vehicle trips can go up to 2 million in year 2011.





Photo of Cross Border Traffic
Cross Border Traffic

Basis of SEA Requirement

A requirement to provide information on environmental implications in the submissions to the highest level decision making body (the Executive Council ) in Hong Kong.

Downstream EIA requirements for individual projects arising from the strategy.

Relationship with Decision Making

An input to formulating the freight transport strategy and the required actions.


Alternative Scenarios Assessed

Two future growth scenarios up to 2011 were made to predict traffic flow.

Methods and Techniques

A simplified environmental appraisal based on a comprehensive set of environmental planning standards and guidelines.


Latest Status

Works being implemented.

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