Landfill Extension Study Vol 2 - Archives


Figure No     



1.1 Site Location Plan
5.1 General Current Pattern in Hong Kong
5.2 EPD Sediment and Marine Water Quality Monitoring Station
6.1 Key Environmental Issues: Site M.1 Deep Bay Island Landfill
6.2 Programme for Implementation of Deep Bay Island Landfill (DBIL)
6.3 Deep Bay Island Landfill - Landscape Context
6.4 Deep Bay Island Landfill - Landscape Character Areas and Designations
6.5 Deep Bay Island Landfill - Approximate Visual Envelope
6.6 Deep Bay Island Landfill - Key Views
6.7A Deep Bay Island Landfill - Photomontages
6.7B Deep Bay Island Landfill - Photomontages
6.7C Deep Bay Island Landfill - Photomontages
6.8 Deep Bay Island Landfill - Outline Landscape / Visual Mitigation Measures
7.1 Key Environmental Issues : Site M.2 Sha Chau Island Landfill
7.2 Programme for Implementation of Sha Chau Island Landfill (SCIL)
7.3 Sha Cha Island Landfill - Landscape Context
7.4 Sha Cha Island Landfill - Landscape Character Areas and Designations
7.5 Sha Cha Island Landfill - Approximate Visual Envelope
7.6 Sha Cha Island Landfill - Key Views
7.7A Sha Cha Island Landfill - Photomontages
7.7B Sha Cha Island Landfill - Photomontages
7.8 Sha Cha Island Landfill - Outline Landscape / Visual Mitigation Measures
8.1 Key Environmental Issues : Site M.3 Lantau Northwest Island Landfill
8.2 Programme for Implementation of Lantau Northwest Island Landfill (LNWIL)
8.3 Lantau North-West Island Landfill - Landscape Context
8.4 Lantau North-West Island Landfill - Landscape Character Areas and Designations
8.5 Lantau North-West Island Landfill - Approximate Visual Envelope
8.6 Lantau North-West Island Landfill - Key Views
8.7A Lantau North-West Island Landfill - Photomontages
8.7B Lantau North-West Island Landfill - Photomontages
8.8 Lantau North-West Island Landfill - Outline Landscape / Visual Mitigation Measures
9.1 Key Environmental Issues : Site M.4 Soko Islands Landfill
9.2 Programme for Implementation of Soko Islands Landfill (SIL)
9.3 Soko Islands Landfill - Landscape Context
9.4 Soko Islands Landfill - Landscape Character Areas and Designations
9.5 Soko Islands Landfill - Approximate Visual Envelope
9.6 Soko Islands Landfill - Key Views
9.7A Soko Islands Landfill - Photomontages
9.7B Soko Islands Landfill - Photomontages
9.8 Soko Islands Landfill - Outline Landscape / Visual Mitigation Measures
10.1 Key Environmental Issues : Site M.5 South Cheung Chau Island Landfill
10.2 Programme for Implementation of South Cheung Chau Island Landfill (SCCIL)


South Cheung Chau Disposal Grounds - Landscape Context
10.4 South Cheung Chau Island Landfill  - Landscape Character Area and Designations
10.5 South Cheung Chau Island Landfill - Approximate Visual Envelope
10.6 South Cheung Chau Disposal Grounds - Key Views
10.7A South Cheung Chau Disposal Grounds - Photomontages
10.7B South Cheung Chau Disposal Grounds - Photomontages
10.7C South Cheung Chau Disposal Grounds - Photomontages
10.8 South Cheung Chau Island Landfill - Outline Landscape / Visual Mitigation Measures
11.1 Key Environmental Issues : Site M.6 Lamma Breakwater Island Landfill
11.2 Programme for Implementation of Lamma Breakwater Island Landfill (LBIL)
11.3 Lamma Breakwater Island Landfill - Landscape Context
11.4 Lamma Breakwater Island Landfill - Landscape Character Area and Designations
11.5 Lamma Breakwater Island Landfill - Approximate Visual Envelope
11.6 Lamma Breakwater Island Landfill - Key Views
11.7A Lamma Breakwater Island Landfill - Photomontages
11.7B Lamma Breakwater Island Landfill - Photomontages
11.8 Lamma Breakwater Island Landfill - Outline Landscape / Visual Mitigation Measures
12.1 Key Environmental Issues : Site M.7 East Tung Lung Chau Island Landfill
12.2 Programme for Implementation of East Tung Lung Chau Island Landfill (ETLIL)
12.3 East Tung Lung Chau Island Landfill - Landscape Context
12.4 East Tung Lung Chau Island Landfill - Landscape Character Areas and Designations
12.5 East Tung Lung Chau Island Landfill - Approximate Visual Enelope
12.6 East Tung Lung Chau Island Landfill - Key Views
12.7A East Tung Lung Chau Island Landfill - Photomontages
12.7B East Tung Lung Chau Island Landfill - Photomontages
12.8 East Tung Lung Chau Island Landfill - Outline Landscape / Visual Mitigation Measures
13.1 Key Environmental Issues : Site M.8 Eastern Waters Island Landfill
13.2 Programme for Implementation of Eastern Waters Island Landfill (EWIL)
13.3 Eastern Waters Island Landfill - Landscape Context
13.4 Eastern Waters Island Landfill - Landscape Character Areas and Designations
13.5 Eastern Waters Island Landfill - Approximate Visual Envelope
13.6 Eastern Waters Island Landfill - Key Views
13.7 Eastern Waters Island Landfill - Photomontages
13.8 Eastern Waters Island Landfill - Outline Landscape / Visual Mitigation Measures
14.1 Key Environmental Issues : Site M.9 Tai Long Wan Offshore Island Landfill
14.2 Programme for Implementation of Tai Long Wan Offshore Island Landfill
14.3 Tai Long Wan Offshore Island Landfill - Landscape Context
14.4 Tai Long Wan Offshore Island Landfill - Landscape Character Areas and Designations
14.5 Tai Long Wan Offshore Island Landfill - Approximate Visual Envelope
14.6 Tai Long Wan Offshore Island Landfill - Key Views
14.7A Tai Long Wan Offshore Island Landfill - Photomontages
14.7B Tai Long Wan Offshore Island Landfill - Photomontages
14.8 Tai Long Wan Offshore Island Landfill - Outline Landscape / Visual Mitigation Measures
15.1 Key Environmental Issues : Site M.10 Southeast Offshore Island Landfill (SEOIL)
15.2 Programme for Implementation of Southeast Offshore Island Landfill
15.3 Southeast Offshore Island Landfill - Landscape Context
15.4 Southeast Offshore Island Landfill - Landscape Character Areas and Designations
15.5 Southeast Offshore Island Landfill - Approximate Visual Envelope
15.6 Southeast Offshore Island Landfill - Key Views
15.7 Southeast Offshore Island Landfill - Photomontages
15.8 Southeast Offshore Island Landfill - Outline Landscape / Visual Mitigation Measures
16.1 Key Environmental Issues : M.11 Lamma North Island Landfill
16.2 Programme for Implementation of Lamma North Island Landfill (LNIL)
16.3 Lamma North Island Landfill - Landscape Context
16.4 Lamma North Island Landfill - Landscape Character Areas and Designations
16.5 Lamma North Island Landfill - Approximate Visual Envelope
16.6 Lamma North Island Landfill - Key Views
16.7A Lamma North Island Landfill - Photomontages
16.7B Lamma North Island Landfill - Photomontages
16.7C Lamma North Island Landfill - Photomontages
16.8 Lamma North Island Landfill - Outline Landscape / Visual Mitigation Measures
17.1 Key Environmental Issues : M.12 Lamma South Island Landfill
17.2 Programme for Implementation of Lamma South Island Landfill (LSIL)
17.3 Lamma South Island Landfill - Landscape Context
17.4 Lamma South Island Landfill - Landscape Character Areas and Designations
17.5 Lamma South Island Landfill - Approximate Visual Envelope
17.6 Lamma South Island Landfill - Key Views
17.7A Lamma South Island Landfill - Photomontages
17.7B Lamma South Island Landfill - Photomontages
17.8 Lamma South Island Landfill - Outline Landscape / Visual Mitigation Measures
18.1 Key Environmental Issues : Site L.1 Pillar Point Valley North Landfill
18.2 Programme for Implementaion of Pillar Point Valley North Landfill (PPVNL)
18.3 Pillar Point Valley North Landfill - Landscape Context
18.3A Pillar Point Valley North Landfill - Landscape Resources
18.4 Pillar Point Valley North Landfill - Landscape Character Areas and Designations
18.5 Pillar Point Valley North Landfill - Approximate Visual Envelope
18.6 Pillar Point Valley North Landfill - Key Views
18.7A Pillar Point Valley North Landfill - Photomontages
18.7B Pillar Point Valley North Landfill - Photomontages
18.8 Pillar Point Valley North Landfill - Outline Landscape / Visual Mitigation Measures
19.1 Key Environmental Issues : Site E.2/3 NENT Landfill Extension Site
19.2 Programme for Implementaion of NENT Landfill Extension (NLES)
19.3 NENT Landfill Extension - Landscape Context
19.3A NENT Landfill Extension - Landscape Resources
19.4 NENT Landfill Extension - Landscape Character Areas and Designations
19.5 NENT Landfill Extension - Approximate Visual Envelope
19.6 NENT Landfill Extension - Key Views
19.7A NENT Landfill Extension - Photomontages
19.7B NENT Landfill Extension - Photomontages
19.8 NENT Landfill Extension - Outline Landscape / Visual Mitigation Measures
20.1 Key Environmental Issues : Site E.1 WENT Landfill Extension Site
20.2A Programme for Implementation of WENT A Landfill Extension (WLES(A))
20.2B Programme for Implementation of WENT B Landfill Extension (WLES(B))
20.3 WENT Landfill Extension - Landscape Context
20.4 WENT Landfill Extension - Landscape Resources
20.5 WENT Landfill Extension - Landscape Character Areas and Designations
20.6 WENT Landfill Extension - Approximate Visual Envelope
20.7A WENT Landfill Extension - Photomontages
20.7B WENT Landfill Extension - Photomontages
20.8 WENT Landfill Extension - Outline Landscape / Visual Mitigation Measures