Guidelines & References

Control on Import and Export of Waste

Good Operation Practices

Waste Importers / Exporters

Waste importers / exporters who intends to import, export or re-export waste paper should refer to relevant EPD's guidelines.

When conducting import, export or re-export operations of waste of a kind specified in the Sixth Schedule, waste importers / exporters should exercise due care and adopt all reasonable precautionary measures to ensure that no controlled waste is imported / exported in the absence of a permit.  The following are some of the recommended good practices for waste importers / exporters

  1. enter into a written agreement with the waste supplier, specifying the quantity and quality of waste to be shipped, and include a contingency arrangement to return the waste to the supplier if the waste does not meet specifications;
  2. adopt clear waste specifications to ensure that the waste to be shipped falls in the Sixth Schedule of the WDO, and is uncontaminated;
  3. scrutinize packing lists to ascertain the content of the shipments; arrange an independent inspection by a qualified inspector at the place of origin to ensure that the waste meets the specifications; review the inspection report prior to effecting shipment and stop shipments not meeting the requirements of the WDO;
  4. clearly describe the waste in all shipping documents and attach a detailed packing list.  Avoid shipments with vague waste descriptions such as "mixed metal scrap", "auto parts" or other similar vague declarations.  Controlled waste imported illegally would have to be returned to the state of export;
  5. ensure that proper recycling outlet has been secured prior to effceting shipment;
  6. in addition to consignees, forwarders (without ownership of goods) handling waste shipments, even merely responsible for shipping documents transactions in Hong Kong, are regarded as having one who arranged for import of waste into Hong Kong under the WDO.  In this light, the above good practices are applicable to both consignees and forwarders.  Under the WDO, both consignees and forwarders are obliged to take all reasonable precautions and exercise due diligence to avoid committing offences.

[ Important Note : Involvement in illegal shipment of waste may be subject to prosecution ! ]


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