Guidelines & References

Control on Import and Export of Waste

The Control Scheme

What kinds of shipments are controlled?

Apart from importing or exporting uncontaminated waste of a kind specified in the Sixth Schedule for the purpose of a reprocessing, recycling or recovery operation or the reuse of the waste, import or export of any other waste (including those of a kind specified in the Seventh Schedule, Schedule 7A, not specified in the Sixth Schedule or container waste) requires a valid permit issued in accordance with the WDO by the EPD.

Furthermore, the EPD has enhanced the import and export control on waste plastic and waste paper. Anyone who wish to import, export or re-export waste plastic or waste paper into/out of /via Hong Kong must obtain a permit or consent and / or submit declaration form and relevant documents to EPD for record in advance.  For details, please refer to the relevant guidelines on the enhanced control on waste plastics and waste paper.


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