Strategic Landfills

Everyday, thousands of tonnes of garbage from business, industry and residences need to be disposed of. Three strategic landfills namely West New Territories (WENT) Landfill, South East New Territories (SENT) Landfill* and North East New Territories (NENT) Landfill, are the key disposal sites for Hong Kong. These landfills have taken the benefit of advancement in landfill technology to respond to the more demanding environmental requirements and to provide the much needed capacity for waste disposal in Hong Kong.

(* SENT Landfill receives only construction waste since 6 January 2016.)

Location of Existing Strategic Landfills

Please click the red spot for information of individual landfill.

Image of mapWENT NENT SENT
NENT : North East New Territories Landfill
SENT : South East New Territories Landfill
WENT : West New Territories Landfill

Special Features of Landfills



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