EPD welcomes parties engaging in "Waste Cooking Oils" (WCO) collection, removal and transportation services and managing communal grease trap facilities to apply for EPD Registered WCO Collectors.
Examples of WCO Collectors
- Example 1: Parties collecting WCO from restaurants and other food manufacturing premises
- Example 2: WCO traders
- Example 3: The person-in-charge of the chained food business that delivers WCO generated from its branched food premises to a central collecting point for temporary storage
- Example 4: Property managers (including property management companies (PMCs) or owners etc.) managing communal grease trap facilities in shopping malls/commercial premises/industrial buildings

Collectors collecting used cooking oil

Road tanker collecting grease trap waste
Eligibility Criteria
- Applicants should hold a Business Registration Certificate issued under the “Business Registration Ordinance” (Cap. 310) (unless the applicant satisfies the exemption conditions set out in the “Business Registration Ordinance”)
- Applicants of registration as a regular collector should possess proper tools for WCO collection and transportation*.
- Applicants of registration as a collector managing communal grease trap facility(ies) should be the property managers (including property management companies (PMCs) or owners etc.) of shopping malls/commercial premises/industrial buildings installed with communal grease trap facilities.
* If applicant makes application for registration as a regular collector for the first time on or after 20 April 2018 and fulfills eligibility criteria, EPD will grant a 3-month provisional registration to the applicant. The applicant should submit to EPD at least one documentary proof of WCO having collected and delivered in the first 3 months after registration e.g. WCO collection and delivery records signed between applicant and WCO supplier(s) and recipient(s) etc. Upon receipt of the relevant documents, EPD will assess whether the applicant can fulfill registration requirements. If yes, EPD will issue a new registration certificate to the applicant. The registration will be valid for two years from the first date of the provisional registration. If the applicant is unable to provide the relevant documents to EPD and/or fulfill registration requirements during provisional registration period, the applicant’s provisional registration will be automatically lapsed after 3 months.
How To Apply
Application form can be downloaded and submitted here.
The duly completed application form should be submitted with copies of the following documents:
- Valid Business Registration Certificate (unless the applicant satisfies the exemption conditions set out in the "Business Registration Ordinance" (Cap. 310))
- Certificate of Incorporation (if the applicant is limited company)
- HKID card/passport of responsible person
- Photographs taken inside and outside each WCO warehouse (if the applicant stores WCO in warehouse(s))
- Relevant address proof(s) (e.g. electricity bill, water/sewage charge receipt in recent 3 months etc.)
- Accreditation certificate(s) of related environmental management schemes (if any)
A) Only applicable for registration of regular collector:
- Valid vehicle registration document or hire agreement(s) or document(s) of each WCO collection vehicle (if applicable)
B) Only applicable for registration of collector managing communal grease trap facility(ies):
- Address of each communal grease trap facility
- Full list of restaurants, factory canteens, food factories, bakeries and other food premises connecting with each communal grease trap facility
via EPIC online application, by post or in person to the following address: Resources Recovery (1), Environmental Protection Department, 3rd floor, East Wing, Island West Transfer Station, 88 Victoria Road, Kennedy Town, Hong Kong.
Upon receipt of an application, EPD or the organization(s) authorized by EPD will check if the applicant submits all the necessary information. EPD or the organization(s) authorized by EPD may request the applicant to provide supplementary information or make clarification as necessary. Based on the information provided by the applicant, EPD or the organization(s) authorized by EPD may request the applicant to arrange a site visit for staff of EPD or the organization(s) authorized by EPD to observe the applicant's actual operations. The objective is to assess whether the applicant fulfills registration requirements and has adequate capability to handle WCO properly.
The time for application assessment depends on whether the applicant can supply all the required information and documents and cooperate with EPD or the organization(s) authorized by EPD in the site assessment. In general, application result will be announced in batches within 1-2 months after the site assessment has been completed. EPD will issue a registration certificate with registration number to each successful applicant. Besides, successful applicant's information (remarks: information marked with * in the application form) will be uploaded to Registration Lists at EPD's website. EPD will also inform unsuccessful applicants of the outcome with justification(s) by letters.
Good Practice Guides
To facilitate WCO collectors to comply with the registration requirements, EPD publishes “Good Practice Guide for Registered WCO Collectors (Regular Collectors)” (Chinese version only) (applicable for collectors engaging in WCO collection, removal and transportation services and for reference by premises which produce WCO including restaurants, factory canteens, food factories, bakeries and other food premises etc.) and “Good Practice Guide for Registered WCO Collectors (Managing Communal Grease Trap Facilities” (Chinese version only) (applicable for property managers (including property management companies (PMCs) or owners etc.) managing communal grease trap facilities and for reference by food premises which connect with communal grease trap facilities, including restaurants, factory canteens, food factories and bakeries, etc.). The above Guides provide guidelines on WCO collection, delivery, record keeping and etc. Collectors should ensure their operations are in compliance with the registration requirements stated in the above Guides, otherwise EPD will take necessary follow up actions (e.g. revoking their registrations etc.).
Validity of Registration/Application for Registration Renewal
Regular registration will be valid for 2 years (except for provisional registered collectors). If registered parties wish to maintain their registrations, they should submit an application for registration renewal at least 2 months before the end of valid period of their registrations (application form can be downloaded and submitted here). Past performance of the registered party will be taken into account by EPD in considering the renewal application.
Registration Scheme