A Simple Guide to Set Up an Environmental Management System

A Simple Guide to Set Up an Environmental Management System

Define An Environmental Policy (Module 4)

What could be included in the Environmental Policy ?

In the Environmental Policy, the organization should state its commitments to regulatory compliance, prevention of pollution and continual improvement of environmental management. Therefore, the policy statements usually address a combination of the following : -

  1. Meet all relevant regulatory and legislative requirements
  2. Reduce waste and consumption of resources (materials, fuel and energy), recover and recycle, where feasible
  3. Minimize the production of pollutants to the environment
  4. Adopt technologies and raw materials that will minimize pollution, energy use and waste
  5. Design products in such a way to minimize their environmental effects in production, use and disposal
  6. Minimize the adverse environmental effects of new developments through strategic planning
  7. Provide environmental education and training
  8. Work towards the achievement of sustainable development

Here is an example :

ATTITUDE : We will keep on improving the environment for the enjoyment of our customers, staff and local residents.

GOAL : We will comply with all relevant regulatory requirements.

PUBLICITY : We will communicate our environmental objectives, efforts and achievements to the public.

REDUCE : We will minimize the resource utilization and waste production.

STAFF : We will ensure our staff are aware of their environmental responsibilities and provide them with proper training.

COUNTERPART : We believe in "green" purchasing and expect high environmental standards from suppliers and contractors who work for us.

Keep in mind :

The environmental policy should be :-

  • Simple and intellegible.
  • Consistent with other organizational policies e.g. quality policy.
  • Practical and achievable.
  • Communicated to and supported by all staff.


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