Why ISO 14001 Certified? Answers from those who were certified


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TKO and NWNT are the latest milestone events in our commitment to implement a universal environmental management system in all the facilities under our management. After Gin Drinkers Bay in 2002, we have now achieved ISO 14001 certification in the Outlying Island Transfer Station, NENT Landfill, Shaling Composting Plant, Shatin Transfer Station, in addition to the recently certified TKO and NWNT Transfer Station. In the coming year, we plan to have WENT landfill, Island East Transfer Station, and Island West Transfer Station certified.

As one of the largest teams of environmental workers in Hong Kong, our corporate environmental initiatives, realised through ISO14001, are of paramount importance to us both in spirit and in form. Being environmental technologists, we have tasked ourselves to demonstrate that environmental objectives are compatible with operation efficiency, and conducive to financial performance. An environmentally sensible and responsible operation would be less wasteful, and should therefore be more cost efficient. As the system matures, and continues to improve, we will have more data to show the tangible benefits; you would of course be the first one we wish to share this experience.

James Tam
Director and General Manager
Swire SITA Waste Services Ltd.


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