Why ISO 14001 Certified? Answers from those who were certified


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At New China Laundry Group, ecological concerns are an integral part of company policy. Serving over 40 top class hotels, clubs and restaurants in Hong Kong, we are committed to helping our customers achieve cleaner, safer and healthier surroundings by adopting energy-efficient measures in our operations.


Basic green measures undertaken by us over the past years included eliminating unnecessary lighting and using low-energy bulbs in offices and production floors.  We have been doing more to reduce our overall impact on the environment by actively sourcing innovative packaging and dispensing methods that reduce waste.  On the operational front, we invested in improving energy efficiency on an ongoing basis through sustainability activities that provide effective results at the lowest total impact environmentally and economically.  The goals we have achieved in 2006 included:


While the accreditation of ISO 14001 certificate has reinforced the corporate culture of conservation in our company, the IMS certification (ISO 9001:2000, ISO 14001:2004, OHSAS 18001:1999) in January 2006 has further helped us monitor the environmental, health and safety compliance standards of our production facilities, and has improved our output performances as a whole.

  1. Installation of the High Temperature Heat Pump (“HTHP”) for boiler water pre-heating – waste heat generated from vent is recovered to produce hot water, raising in-let water temperature in boiler to 85oC and ultimately enhancing energy efficiency while driving down fuel consumption, and reducing excessive flash steam which otherwise vented free to the atmosphere.
  2. Combustion efficiency of boilers is closely monitored to keep at level around 90% to eliminate emission of dark smoke and reduce waste of fuel.
  3. Encouraging our corporate clients to reduce use of plastic bags and promotes hanger recycle program.
  4. Application of new washing formula and chemicals to reduce consumptions of water and detergents.
  5. Introducing infra-red energy to garment drying process.


Our strategic priorities on environmental management have strengthened our brand reputation and shareholder value, and has enabled us to become the market leader and a trusted partner for our customers.  Looking ahead, we will continue to find new ways to enhance the environmental profile of all our laundry plants and workshops in Hong Kong and the mainland China.




Solomon Liu
Management Representative – Integrated Management System Committee

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