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Persistent Organic Pollutants

Overview of Current POPs Situation in Hong Kong

To assess the current POPs situation in Hong Kong, EPD compiled an inventory of POPs in Hong Kong. Existing data on the emission sources and environmental contamination levels of the 281 Convention POPs in Hong Kong from all available sources (including relevant government databases, local academia and open literature) were collated and is summarised in the third HKSARIP, which is currently under compilation. Human exposure to these POPs through dietary intake and levels of POPs contamination in breast milk will also be featured.

The inventory is a scientific basis for assessing the environmental and human health impacts of POPs and supports the development of relevant action plans to reduce or eliminate POPs in Hong Kong.

Source Inventories

Environmental Levels

Dietary Exposure to POPs

1 In view of PRC’s ratification to the amendments adopted in the seventh and eighth meeting of the Conference of Parties to the Stockholm Convention, starting from 6 June 2023, the total number of POPs in the Convention being effective in China increased to 28.

Overview of Current POPs Status in Hong Kong


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