Workshops on Environmental Reporting for Implementing Clean Air Charter
The Environmental Protection Department (EPD) and the Electrical & Mechanical Services Department (EMSD) jointly organized the Workshops on Environmental Reporting for Implementing Clean Air Charter on 22 and 25 June 2007. Over 230 representatives from different government departments and bureaux attended the Workshops which aimed at providing guidance on preparing and publishing environmental reports as set out in Circular Memorandum No. 1/2007 by the ex-Secretary for the Environment, Transport and Works. Experts from public and private sectors exchanged views and experiences on implementing the Charter. The participants actively discussed and shared their views on various measures to improve energy conservation and efficiency and environmental tools to establish targets and improvement actions for environmental reporting, with a common goal of working together to reduce air pollution and improve our air quality.
DS(E) Roy Tang delivers an opening speech at the workshop
Dr Andrew Thomson, CEO of the Business Environment Council speaks at the workshop
Raymond Fong, Principal Consultant of the Hong Kong Productivity Council speaks at the workshop
S.K. LO and M.S. KAM of the Energy Efficiency Office, EMSD speak at the Workshop
Joe Fong, Senior Environmental Protection Officer of EPD speaks at the workshop>