Replies to LegCo Questions - Archive

Examination of Estimates of Expenditure 2004-05

(1) Waste Facilities

  Reply Serial Number / Question Serial Number Question :
dot.gif ETWB(ET)033 / 0153 It is mentioned under Matters Requiring Special Attention in 2004-05 that the government will continue to implement measures to further promote waste separation and recovery. What are the details of the plan involved? What are the staff resources and expenditure involved? 
Asked by : Hon. CHOY So-yuk
dot.gif ETWB(ET)034 / 0154 Has any provision been allowed for in the Budget for staff resources required for the preparation and implementation of the vehicle tyre tax? What is the expenditure involved? 
Asked by : Hon. CHOY So-yuk
dot.gif ETWB(ET)051 / 0264 What was the work carried out in 2003-04 to promote the waste separation and recovery scheme, its progress and the expenditure involved? How would the Environmental Protection Department assess the effectiveness of the scheme? Please provide the details and estimated expenditure of the scheme in 2004-05. 
Asked by : Hon. EU Yuet-mee, Audrey
dot.gif ETWB(ET)053 / 0270 It is mentioned under Matters Requiring Special Attention in 2004-05 that the government will continue to implement measures to further promote waste separation and recovery. What are the details of the plan involved? What are the staff resources and expenditure involved? 
Asked by : Hon. CHOY So-yuk
dot.gif ETWB(ET)041 / 0458 Has provision been made in 2004-05 for the implementation of the landfill charging scheme for construction and demolition waste? If yes, what is the estimated expenditure? Will it involve additional staffing requirement? If so, what is the implication on the establishment? 
Asked by : Hon. CHOY So-yuk
dot.gif ETWB(ET)045 / 0465 The expenditure under Programme 1 for 2004-05 is 7% higher as compared to 2003-04, mainly due to the increase in payments for waste treatment arising from the increase in waste quantity with a likely improvement in the economy of Hong Kong as predicted by the Government. However, from the figures provided by the Government, it indicates that there will only be a slight increase in the quantity of waste treated at landfills and the Chemical Waste Treatment Centre. As such, would the Government explain in detail the reasons for the 7% increase in estimated expenditure? 
Asked by : Hon. CHOY So-yuk
dot.gif ETWB(ET)046 / 0466 Please inform this Council the quantity of various types of chemical wastes treated by the Chemical Waste Treatment Centre (CWTC) in Tsing Yi for the years 2002-03, 2003-04 and 2004-05. How much do they account for the annual total handling capacity of the whole treatment centre? What is the amount of subsidies provided by the Government for each type of waste (please give a breakdown)? Does the Government have any plan to raise the handling charge for chemical wastes? 
Asked by : Hon. CHOY So-yuk
dot.gif ETWB(ET)047 / 0467 How does the annual maximum handling capacity compare with the actual quantity of waste handled in the refuse transfer stations for 2003-04? At present, are the charges for handling wastes sent to refuse handling stations calculated on cost recovery principle? Does the Government need to provide any subsidies? If yes, what is the rate of subsidies in percentage? 
Asked by : Hon. CHOY So-yuk
dot.gif ETWB(ET)054 / 0518 The financial provision for waste facilities in 2004-05 is $1,376.4 million. Out of this provision, how much is estimated to be used in research work and what are the details of respective research projects? 
Asked by : Hon. HO Chung-tai, Raymond
dot.gif ETWB(ET)048 / 0897 The estimated expenditure on waste facilities of the Environmental Protection Department in 2004-05 is $1,376.4 million, which represents a significant increase of 7.1% as compared to $1,284.6 million in 2003-04. However, when compared to 2002, the quantities of all categories of wastes treated in 2003 were on the decline. Why is it still necessary to increase the expenditure by 7.1%? Out of the total estimated expenditure of $1,376.4 million, how much will be used to promote waste reduction and recycling? 
Asked by : Hon. CHU Yu-lin, David
dot.gif ETWB(ET)049 / 0898 It is mentioned under Matters Requiring Special Attention in 2004-05 that feasibility studies will be commissioned on extension schemes for existing landfills. Will these studies include assessment of the costs and environmental impacts arising from acquisition of private land or expansion of the original reclamation scheme? If yes, what are the expenditure involved and staff resources deployed? 
Asked by : Hon. CHU Yu-lin, David
dot.gif ETWB(ET)050 / 0899

It is mentioned under Matters Requiring Special Attention in 2004-05 that the Environmental Protection Department will enhance partnerships with district councils, green groups and community organisations to further promote waste reduction and recycling, and will involve the business community more in waste prevention and recovery through product responsibility schemes. How much staff resources and provision will be allocated for such work? Will community groups and organisations be given a certain amount of subsidies for joint promotion of related activities? If yes, what is the amount involved? Will a certain amount of the provision be reserved to support or encourage the business community to carry out waste reduction and recovery work? If yes, what is the amount involved? 
Asked by : Hon. CHU Yu-lin, David

dot.gif ETWB(ET)057 / 1391 Provision for fees for operation of waste facilities in 2004-05 is $1,237,970,000, representing an increase of 8.9% over the revised estimate for 2003-04. Would the Administration provide: 1) a breakdown of the financial provision for this Subhead; 2) the quantity of wastes handled by individual waste facilities in the past two years and their estimated quantity in 2004-05 as well as their respective percentages of the annual handling capacity of individual wastes facilities; 3) Since the estimated quantity of wastes to be handled by strategic landfills and refuse transfer stations in 2004 will not have significant increase as compared to 2003, please explain why there is an increase of 8.9% in the estimated expenditure for fees for operation of waste facilities in 2004-05. 
Asked by :Hon. LEE Chu-ming, Martin
dot.gif ETWB(ET)059 / 1545 1. What is the estimated unit cost for handling one tonne of solid waste in landfills Is there any increase or decrease as compared to that in 2003-04? 2. What is the proportion of the administration fee in the existing costs for waste treatment? 3. What is the current rate of waste recovery? 4. What was the amount of wastes recovered for recycling or reuse in the last through recovery programmes jointly organised by the Government, district community organisations? What is the amount of savings in waste treatment? 
Asked by : Hon. LEUNG Yiu-chung
dot.gif ETWB(ET)056 / 1606 Under Matters Requiring Special Attention in 2004-05: 1. It is mentioned that the government will continue to implement measures to further promote waste separation and recovery. What are the details? What is the expenditure involved? How is it different from the waste separation and recovery programmes under Programme (7)? 2. What are the details for implementing the product responsibility schemes? 
Asked by : Hon. LAU Wai-hing, Emily


(2) Air

  Reply Serial Number / Question Serial Number Question
dot.gif ETWB(ET)035 / 0155 Why does the number of asbestos abatement plans processed increase significantly from 157 in 2003 to an estimated no. of 300 in 2004? 
Asked by :Hon. CHOY So-yuk
dot.gif ETWB(ET)036 / 0156 It is estimated that the work in handling smoky vehicles will reduce by about 10% in 2004 as compared to 2003 (based on the relevant indicator(s)). Will there be any corresponding re-deployment of staff resources? If yes, what are the details? If no, what are the reasons? 
Asked by :Hon. CHOY So-yuk
dot.gif ETWB(ET)037 / 0196 Will the work to be carried out in 2004-05 in seeking to maintain satisfactory air quality cover measures to improve indoor air quality? If yes, what are the details and the departmental staff resources and expenditure involved? If no, what are the reasons? 
Asked by :Hon. CHOY So-yuk
dot.gif ETWB(ET)038 / 0197 Is there any plan to introduce certain indicators for measuring the performance of the Environmental Protection Department (EPD) in promoting indoor air quality improvement? If yes, what are the details? If no, what are the reasons? 
Asked by :Hon. CHOY So-yuk
dot.gif ETWB(ET)043 / 0463 What is the progress of the study on emissions trading jointly carried out with the Guangdong authorities? What is the expenditure involved? 
Asked by :Hon. CHOY So-yuk
dot.gif ETWB(ET)044 / 0464 What is the expenditure in 2004-05 for implementation of the policy to improve indoor air quality? What are the major plans? 
Asked by :Hon. CHOY So-yuk


(3) Noise

dot.gif NIL


(4) Waste


(5) Water

dot.gif NIL


(6) EA & Planning

  Reply Serial Number / Question Serial Number Question
dot.gif ETWB(ET)040 / 0457 What are the major mechanisms for the cross-boundary co-operation between the HKSAR Government and the Mainland Government in environmental impact assessment and planning at present? What are the establishment and expenditure involved? What are the specific items for co-operation in the coming year 2004-05? 
Asked by :Hon. CHOY So-yuk
dot.gif ETWB(ET)058 / 1011 The aim of this Programme is to pre-empt environmental problems associated with projects, plans, policies and strategies by assessing their environmental implications and ensuring that effective preventive and mitigatory measures are implemented where potential problems are identified.
Does the scope of work of the Environmental Protection Department include the review of existing policies / strategies / regulations / guidelines etc. adopted by the Government and various departments to see if there are any underlying adverse implications or constraints on the environment, and the provision of solutions? If yes, please provide details of the review, the amount of provision set aside for this purpose and the staff resources required in 2004-05? If no, please give the reasons. 

Asked by :Hon. LEUNG LAU Yau-fun, Sophie


(7) Community Relations

  Reply Serial Number / Question Serial Number  Question 
dot.gif ETWB(ET)052 / 0266 With regard to the Visitors Centre and three Environmental Resource Centres of the Environmental Protection Department (EPD), please list out the patronage, usage of various services provided and the expenditure of each centre in 2003-04. Does the EPD have any plan to set up more of such centres? If yes, please provide the details and list out their estimated expenditure. 
Asked by :Hon. EU Yuet-mee, Audrey
dot.gif ETWB(ET)060 / 0403 The provision under Programme 7 for 2004-05 is $5.8M lower than the revised estimate for 2003-04, amounting to 14%, mainly due to the effect of reduced operating expenses and non-recurrent expenditure, but with only one post deleted. Please provide details of the expenditure cut and its impact on services and performance indicators concerned. 
Asked by :Hon. WU king-cheong, Henry
dot.gif ETWB(ET)039 / 0456 Under this Subhead 700, Item 567 is to enhance education and community involvement in waste reduction. What is included in this programme? Will it overlap with the projects supported by the Environment and Conservation Fund? 
Asked by :Hon. CHOY So-yuk
dot.gif ETWB(ET)055 / 1605 What is the effectiveness of the waste separation and recovery programmes for 2003-04? What are the details of the estimated development of the programmes in 2004-05? What is the estimated expenditure? 
Asked by :Hon. LAU Wai-hing, Emily


(8) Others

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