重點消息 Highlights |
「環境及自然保育基金」資助學校實行現場派飯 Environment and Conservation Fund provides funding to help schools adopt on-site meal portioning 為進一步減少廚餘和即棄飯盒,政府鼓勵全港學校簽署環保午膳約章,承諾自願制定和執行符合環保原則的午膳政策,盡量實行現場派飯。「環境及自然保育基金」預留了5,000萬元,作為資助學校添置所需設施之用。環境局在2009年11月17日,11月18日和12月2日舉行了三場簡介會,出席的學校代表達600多名。截至十二月底,已有約150間學校表示有興趣作出申請。 To further reduce food waste and disposable lunch boxes, the Government will invite all schools to sign a Green Lunch Charter to encourage their commitment to adopt more environmentally friendly lunch arrangements such as on-site meal portioning. The Environment and Conservation Fund has earmarked $50 million to subsidize schools to install the necessary equipment. Three briefing sessions to over 600 school representatives were held on 17 November, 18 November and 2 December 2009. About 150 schools have indicated interests in submitting application as of end December 2009. |
擴大含揮發性有機化合物產品的管制類別 Expand the regulatory categories of volatile organic compound-containing products 為進一步減少揮發性有機化合物的排放和煙霧問題,政府已修訂《空氣污染管制(揮發性有機化合物)規例》,由二零一零年一月一日起,分期把管制產品類別擴大至汽車修補漆料、船隻漆料、遊樂船隻漆料、黏合劑及密封劑等含揮發性有機化合物產品。 To further reduce volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions and hence alleviate the smog problem, the Government has amended the Air Pollution Control (Volatile Organic Compounds) Regulation to expand in phases from 1 January 2010 the regulated product categories to include vehicle refinishing paints, vessel paints, pleasure craft paints, adhesives and sealants. |
堆填區的修復工程和修復後的用途 Landfill Restoration and Afteruse 位於修復後醉酒灣堆填區的「香港賽馬會國際小輪車場」,是香港唯一符合國際標准的小輪車場。該小輪車場已在2009年10月31日啟用,並用作2009年東亞運動會的小輪車賽事的場地,亦是香港贏取首面東亞運動會金牌之地。 The Hong Kong Jockey Club International BMX Park, built on the restored Gin Drinkers Bay Landfill, is the territory's only BMX park of international standard.The BMX Park was opened on 31 October 2009 and the venue was used for the BMX event of the East Asian Games 2009 where Hong Kong's first gold medal was won. |
新聞稿/演辭 Press Releases/Speeches |
香港國家地質公園 Hong Kong National Geopark 香港國家地質公園於二零零九年十一月三日正式開幕。地質公園是具有特殊地質意義,並融合自然景觀與人文景觀而構成的獨特自然區域。保育、教育及可持續發展是地質公園的三大目標。香港可通過國家地質公園網絡,汲取經驗,全面保護香港珍貴的地質地貌資源,增進市民對地球科學的認識,為綠色旅遊活動增加新景點。 香港地質公園包括西貢火山岩和新界東北沉積岩兩個園區,共有八個景區,面積達50 平方公里。我們希望市民可抽空前往,欣賞香港壯麗的景色。 The Hong Kong National Geopark was opened on 3 November 2009. A geopark is a unique natural area with special geological significance and natural and cultural landscapes, and serves the three objectives of conservation, education and sustained development. Through the national geopark network, Hong Kong can gain relevant experience, preserve valuable geological and topographical resources more comprehensively, raise the public's awareness about geo-science, and foster the development of eco-tourism by adding new attractions. Hong Kong Geopark is made up of eight geo-sites distributed across the Sai Kung Volcanic Rock Region and Northeast New Territories Sedimentary Rock Region, covering a total area of about 50 square kilometres. We hope that members of the public may take time to visit these sites, and appreciate the natural beauty of Hong Kong.
環境局局長在哥本哈根闡述香港如何推動低碳經濟 SEN outlines Hong Kong low carbon economy in Copenhagen 環境局局長邱騰華於十二月十六日在哥本哈根舉行的市長氣候峰會上,與國際政治領袖分享香港在制定減少溫室氣體排放的策略及措施的經驗;包括以提高建築物能源效益為核心措施及推動環保運輸﹝包括使用電動車輛﹞和策略性廢物處理計劃。 The Secretary for the Environment, Mr Edward Yau at the Copenhagen Climate Summit for Mayors held on December 16, shared Hong Kong's experience in formulating strategies and measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions with political and international leaders. The strategy includes improving building energy efficiency as the core measure, promotion of green transport (including the use of electric vehicles (EV)) as well as strategic waste treatment program. |
香港全力支持推動電動車輛 Hong Kong shows commitment to promote electric vehicles 在二零零九年十二月十六日,環境局局長邱騰華代表香港在哥本哈根參與C40電動車輛宣言。根據該宣言,香港會與C40當中的十四個會員城市組成一個C40電動車輛網絡,分享推動電動車輛的有效措施。 On 16 December 2009, the Secretary for the Environment, Mr Edward Yau, represented Hong Kong in the C40’s announcement on electric vehicles (EVs) in Copenhagen. Hong Kong and fourteen other member cities of C40 would form a C40 EV Network to share best practices to promote EVs. |
政府提交《建築物能源效益條例草案》 Buildings Energy Efficiency Bill being introduced 政府於二零零九年十二月九日向立法會提交《建築物能源效益條例草案》,旨在透過強制實施《建築物能源效益守則》,訂明本港建築物的基本能源效益標準。預計在新建建築物實施建議,首十年可節省28億度電,有助減少196 萬公噸二氧化碳排放。 The Government introduced the Buildings Energy Efficiency Bill into the Legislative Council on 9 December 2009. The Bill aims to specify the minimum energy efficiency standards for buildings in Hong Kong by mandating compliance with the Building Energy Codes. It is estimated that for new buildings, the implementation of the proposal will result in energy saving of 2.8 billion kWh in the first decade, which will help reduce carbon dioxide emissions of 1.96 million tonnes. |
強制性能源效益標籤計劃 Mandatory Energy Efficiency Labelling Scheme 強制性能源效益標籤計劃首階段於二零零九年十一月九日起全面實施。計劃要求在本港供應的空調機、冷凍器具及緊湊型熒光燈(即慳電膽)均須貼上能源標籤。計劃有助市民挑選具能源效益的產品。 The initial phase of the Mandatory Energy Efficiency Labelling Scheme had been fully implemented since 9 November 2009. The scheme required room air-conditioners, refrigerating appliances and compact fluorescent lamps to carry energy labels before they were supplied to the local market. This would facilitate consumers in choosing energy-efficient products. |
「粵港清潔生產伙伴」 Hong Kong-Guangdong Cleaner Production Partners 香港環保署與廣東省經濟和信息化委員會於2009年11月25日在廣州舉行的授牌儀式上頒發「粵港清潔生產伙伴」標誌牌予首批48家港資製造業企業及三家採購商,以表揚這些企業在落實和推廣清潔生產方面的努力和成果。「清潔生產伙伴計劃」由2008年4月開展以來,得到業界的積極響應,至今已批出超過430個資助項目,並舉辦了110多個各類型的認知推廣活動。 To recognise the efforts and achievements of enterprises in pursuing cleaner production, EPD and the Economic & Information Technology Commission of Guangdong Province jointly awarded the commendation, "Hong Kong - Guangdong Cleaner Production Partners" to 48 Hong Kong-owned manufacturing enterprises and three sourcing enterprises at a presentation ceremony in Guangzhou on 25 November 2009. Since its launch in April 2008, the Cleaner Production Partnership Programme has received positive response from the industries. So far, more than 430 funding applications have been approved and some 110 awareness promotion activities have been organised. |
立法會事務 Legislative Council Matters |
環保建築 Green Buildings 政府在二零零九年十二月十四日,向立法會發展事務委員會及環境事務委員會匯報政府在推動環保建築方面的措施和工作。 On 14 December 2009, the Government briefed the Panel on Development and Panel on Environmental Affairs of the Legislative Council on Government’s initiatives and efforts in promoting green buildings. |
專題網站 Thematic Websites |