Press Releases

Press Releases - 2000

Retrofitting particulate traps to pre-Euro diesel light vehicles

The Government will provide a one-off grant for retrofitting pre-Euro diesel vehicles of a gross weight up to four tonnes with devices to reduce particulate emissions. The amount of the grant is $1,300 per vehicle.

The Environmental Protection Department (EPD) today (August 18) appointed two companies, Eco-Tek Company Limited and Dah Chong Hong (Motor Service Centre) Limited, for the supply and installation of such devices.

The Principal Environmental Protection Officer, Mr Mok Wai-chuen, said: "Seventeen companies have taken part in the tendering exercise and the two companies have succeeded in demonstrating that their devices can fully comply with the required specifications.

"To be eligible for the grant, the relevant vehicle owners can choose either one of the two companies to install the devices.

The device from Eco-Tek costs $1,300. The one of Dah Chong Hong costs $4,000 for vehicles of engine size up to 2 800 c.c. and $7,500 for larger diesel light vehicles.

The grant is one of the initiatives announced in the Policy Address last year to reduce air pollution.

"The devices can remove at least 30 per cent of the particulate emissions of a diesel light vehicle," said Mr Mok.

"Installing them in all pre-Euro diesel light vehicles can reduce particulate emissions from the whole vehicle fleet by six per cent," he added.

The installation programme will start this September, which is earlier than the target date of 2001 set out in the Policy Address.

Details of the installation arrangement will be announced shortly.

Earlier in May this year, the Finance Committee approved $50,880,000 for subsidising the retrofitting to some 42 000 pre-Euro diesel light vehicles with particulate reduction devices.

End/Friday, August 18, 2000


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