will pledge to wait green
Green - Engine Off" Campaign will be launched by the Environmental
Protection Department (EPD) this Saturday (September 1).
details of the new campaign, a spokesman for the EPD said
today (August 29) the publicity programme would kick-off with
a community pledging ceremony at the Tamar site for some 200
motor vehicle drivers - including representatives from commercial
fleets of taxis, buses, vans and trucks, through to vintage
car and motorsport enthusiasts.
drivers will pledge to switch off their engines while parked
or waiting in order to promote cleaner air, save fuel and
avoid nuisance to others.
EPD is delighted with the strong response already received
from owners of motor vehicle fleets, professional drivers
and private motorists to turn off their engines while parked
and make Hong Kong a cleaner, healthier place to live.
can play a part in improving air quality in Hong Kong, and
that includes government, industry and citizens," he added.
the ceremony, the EPD staff together with 75 environmental
protection ambassadors from the Junior Police Call, the Scout
Association of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Girl Guides Association
will distribute green labels to drivers at various locations
in Central, Admiralty, Causeway Bay, Mong Kok, Tsim Sha Tsui
and Hung Hom.
August 29, 2001