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Press Releases


Press Release

List of environmental impact assessment studies released

The Environmental Protection Department (EPD) today (January 29) released a list of environmental impact assessment (EIA) reports for major development projects approved between October 1, 2002 and December 31, 2002.

Statutory EIA reports

  1. Ngong Ping Sewage Treatment Works and Sewerage - EIA (Drainage Services Department)
  2. Construction of Lung Kwu Chau Jetty - EIA (Civil Engineering Department)
  3. Shenzhen Western Corridor - EIA (Highways Department)
  4. Feasibility Study for Housing Development at Whitehead and Lee On in Ma On Shan, Sha Tin - EIA (Territory Development Department)

The reports and executive summaries of approved statutory EIAs are available at the following locations:

(a) Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (EIAO) Register Office, EPD, 27th floor, Southorn Centre, 130 Hennessy Road, Wan Chai;

(b) Wan Chai Environmental Resource Centre, 221 Queen's Road East, Wan Chai;

(c) Tsuen Wan Environmental Resource Centre, Tak Wah Park, Tak Wah Street, Tsuen Wan;

(d) Public Enquiry Centre of relevant District Office(s); and

(e) EIAO website -

In addition, a list of EIA study briefs issued under the EIAO and ongoing non-statutory environmental assessment (EA) studies is also available at the EPD's EIAO Register Office and environmental resource centres for public inspection.

They include:

I. Statutory Studies

  1. Reclamation of Sai Wan Typhoon Shelter and Associated Engineering Works at Cheung Chau - EIA (Territory Development Department)
  2. Tung Chung - Ngong Ping Cable Car Project - EIA (Territory Development Department)
  3. Remaining Development in Tung Chung and Tai Ho - Comprehensive Feasibility Study - EIA (Territory Development Department)
  4. Siu Ho Wan Water Treatment Works Extension - EIA (Water Supplies Department)
  5. Road P1 Advance Works at Yam O on Lantau Island (Civil Engineering Department)
  6. Peng Chau Helipad - EIA (Civil Engineering Department)
  7. Peng Chau Sewage Treatment Works Upgrade - EIA (Drainage Services Department)
  8. New Contaminated Mud Marine Disposal Facility at Airport East/East Sha Chau - EIA (Civil Engineering Department)
  9. New Contaminated Mud Marine Disposal Facility at Airport East/East Sha Chau - EIA (Civil Engineering Department)
  10. Flyover at Junction of Che Kung Miu Road/Hung Mui Kuk Road - EIA (Highways Department)
  11. Proposed Shuen Wan Landfill Golf Course - EIA (Home Affairs Bureau)
  12. Widening of T6 Bridge, Sha Tin - EIA (Highways Department)
  13. Widening of Tate's Cairn Highway between Shek Mun Interchange and T6 Interchange - EIA (Highways Department)
  14. Tai Po Sewage Treatment Works and Sewerage - EIA (Drainage Services Department)
  15. Planning and Development Study on North East New Territories - EIA (Territory Development Department)
  16. Drainage Improvement in Sha Tin and Tai Po - EIA (Drainage Services Department)
  17. Cement Silos Addition Work in Tai Po Cement Depot - EIA (K. Wah Materials Limited)
  18. Trunk Road T4 in Sha Tin - EIA (Territory Development Department) '
  19. Drainage Improvement in the Northern New Territories - Package C - EIA (Drainage Services Department)
  20. Tseung Kwan O Development Contract No. TK 44/97: Dualling of Hang Hau Road - EIA (Territory Development Department)
  21. Tseung Kwan O Development Phase 3 - Road P2 connecting Town Centre and Western Coast Road - EIA (Civil Engineering Department)
  22. Proposed Extension of Public Golf Course of Kau Sai Chau, Sai Kung - EIA (The Hong Kong Jockey Club)
  23. Sai Kung Sewage Treatment Works, Phase II Upgrading - EIA (Drainage Services Department)
  24. Drainage Improvements in Sai Kung - EIA (Drainage Services Department)
  25. Road Widening of Hing Wah Street - EIA (Highways Department)
  26. Drainage Improvement in Tsuen Wan, Kwai Chung and Tsing Yi, Tsuen Wan Drainage Tunnel - EIA (Drainage Services Department)
  27. Widening of Yeung Uk Road between Tai Ho Road and Ma Tau Pa Road, Tsuen Wan - EIA (Territory Development Department)
  28. Shatin to Central Link - EIA (Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation)
  29. Animal Cremator - EIA (Environmental Protection Department)
  30. Route 10 (North Lantau to Yuen Long Highway) Northern Section - EIA (Highways Department)
  31. Feasibility Study of Waste-to-Energy Incineration Facilities - EIA (Environmental Protection Department)
  32. Proposed Joint User Complex and Wholesale Fish Market at Area 44 Tuen Mun - EIA (Architectural Services Department)
  33. Planning and Development Study of Potential Housing Site near Area 1 (San Wai Court), Tuen Mun - EIA (Territory Development Department)
  34. Planning and Development Study on North West New Territories - EIA (Territory Development Department)
  35. Upgrading of Pillar Point Sewage Treatment Works - EIA (Drainage Services Department)
  36. Recovery Park in Tuen Mun Area 38 - EIA (Environmental Protection Department)
  37. Upgrading and Expansion of San Wai Sewage Treatment Works and Expansion of Ha Tsuen Pumping Station - EIA (Drainage Services Department)
  38. Lau Fau Shan Development - Package 4 - EIA (Territory Development Department)
  39. Proposed Development at Fung Lok Wai, Yuen Long at Lot 1457 R.P. in DD123 - EIA (Mutual Luck Investment Limited)
  40. Yuen Long, Kam Tin, Ngau Tam Mei and Tin Shui Wai Drainage Package Stage 1 - EIA (Drainage Services Department)
  41. San Tin Western Main Drainage Channel - EIA (Drainage Services Department)
  42. Yuen Long and Kam Tin Sewerage and Sewage Disposal Stage 2 - EIA (Drainage Services Department)
  43. Lau Fau Shan Development - Remaining Engineering Works Phase 1 - Hang Hau Tsuen Channel and Associated Works - EIA (Territory Development Department)
  44. Improvement to San Tin Interchange - EIA (Highways Department)
  45. Proposed Road A connecting Sin Fat Road and Cha Kwo Ling Road at Cha Kwo Ling, Kwun Tong - EIA (Civil Engineering Department)
  46. Central Kowloon Route - EIA (Highways Department)
  47. Kowloon Southern Link - EIA (Kowloon Canton Railways Corporations)
  48. South East Kowloon Development - Kai Tak Approach Channel Reclamation - EIA (Territory Development Department)
  49. Distributor Roads under Agreement No. CE 42/2000 South East Kowloon Development, Infrastructure at North Apron Area of Kai Tak Airport, Design and Construction - EIA (Territory Development Department)
  50. Reprovisioning of Diamond Hill Crematorium - EIA (Architectural Services Department)
  51. Yung Shue Wan Development, Engineering Works, Phase 2 - EIA (Civil Engineering Department)
  52. Outlying Island Sewerage Stage 1 Phase 2, Package J - Sok Kwu Wan Sewage Collection, Treatment and Disposal (previously known as Outlying Island Sewerage Stage 1 Phase 2 Sok Kwu Wan Sewage Treatment Works and Submarine Outfall) - EIA (Drainage Services Department)
  53. Lamma Power Station Navigation Channel Improvement - EIA (Hong Kong Electric Company Limited)
  54. Helipad at Yung Shue Wan, Lamma Island - EIA (Civil Engineering Department)
  55. Investigation and Preliminary Design of Route 7 - Section between Kennedy Town and Aberdeen - EIA (Highways Department)
  56. North Hong Kong Island Line - EIA (Mass Transit Railway Corporation)
  57. Drainage Improvement in Northern Hong Kong Island - Hong Kong West Drainage Tunnel- EIA (Drainage Services Department)
  58. Western Harbour Submarine Pipeline and Associated Stations - EIA (The Hong Kong China Gas Company Limited)
  59. Aberdeen, Ap Lei Chau and Pok Fu Lam Sewerage and Sewage Disposal Stage II - EIA (Drainage Services Department)
  60. Proposed Submarine Gas Pipelines from Cheng Tou Jiao Liquefied Natural Gas Receiving Terminal, Shenzhen to Tai Po Gas Production Plant, Hong Kong - EIA (The Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited)
  61. Tsuen Wan Road Upgrading - EIA (Territory Development Department)

II. Non-statutory Studies

  1. Dualling of Clear Water Bay Road between Tai Po Tsai and Hang Hau Road (Highways Department)
  2. Stage II Study on Review of Metroplan and the Related Kowloon Density Study Review (Planning Department)
  3. Development of an Integrated Arts, Cultural and Entertainment District of at the West Kowloon Reclamation, Hong Kong (Housing, Planning and Lands Bureau)
  4. Focus Study on the Early Development of the Proposed Tourism Node Incorporating a Cruise Terminal within the South East Kowloon Area (Territory Development Department)
  5. Planning and Engineering Feasibility Study for North of Pamela Youde Hospital, Chai Wan (Civil Engineering Department)
  6. Feasibility Study for Development at Cha Kwo Ling Kaolin Mine Site (Civil Engineering Department)
  7. Urban Design Study for the Planning and Development of South East Kowloon (Planning Department)
  8. Sunnyville Estate Development at Nam Sang Wai, Yuen Long - EA (Private Developer)
  9. Yuen Long, Kam Tin Sewerage and Sewage Disposal Stage I, Package 1A-1T and 1B-1T Kam Tin Trunk Sewerage Phase I and II - EA (Drainage Services Department)
  10. Yuen Long, Kam Tin, Ngau Tam Mei and Tin Shui Wai Drainage Package Stage I - EA (Drainage Services Department)
  11. Extension of Existing Landfills and Identification of Potential New Waste Disposal Sites (Environmental Protection Department)
  12. Strategic Environmental Assessment for Territory- wide Implementation Study for Water-cooled Air conditioning Systems in Hong Kong (Electrical and Mechanical Services Department)
  13. Strategic Environmental Assessment for Hong Kong 2030: Planning Vision and Strategy (Planning Department)
  14. Study on the Long-term Arrangements to Accommodate Inert Construction and Demolition Materials and Dredged Mud - Strategic Environmental Assessment (Civil Engineering Department)
  15. Preliminary Feasibility Study on Provision of Cycle Track and Related Development Facilities between Tuen Mun and Tsuen Wan - EA (Territory Development Department)
  16. Investigation and Preliminary Design for Reconstruction and Improvement of Tuen Mun Road - EA (Highways Department)
  17. Design and Construction of Drainage Works to Alleviate Flooding near Belvedere Garden in Tsuen Wan - EA (Drainage Services Department)

Information related to the EIAO is also available at the EIAO website at

End/Wednesday, January 29, 2003


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