Press Releases

Press Release

Ten applications for pilot schemes under nature conservation policy received

The Government has received four management agreement (MA) applications and six Public-private Partnership (PPP) proposals to implement pilot projects under the new Nature Conservation Policy as the deadline for submitting applications ended today (May 31).

The four MA applications are for sites inside Ramsar Site, Deep Bay Wetland outside Ramsar Site, Fung Yuen and Long Valley while the six PPP proposals involve land located at Sha Lo Tung, Tai Ho, Wu Kau Tang, Mau Ping and Mui Tze Lam, Yung Shue O and Tin Fook Wai (an area inside the Deep Bay Wetland outside Ramsar Site).

A Government spokesman said that in connection with the new Nature Conservation Policy announced in November last year, the Environment, Transport and Works Bureau called for applications of MA and PPP pilot projects on the 12 sites identified for enhanced conservation.

The six-month application period for the pilot scheme, which began on December 1, last year ended today.

Under the MA measure, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) may apply for funding from the Government to enter into MAs with landowners. The NGOs will provide landowners with financial incentives in exchange for management rights over their land or their co-operation in enhancing conservation of the sites concerned.

As for the PPP measure, limited development of an agreed scale will be allowed at the ecologically less sensitive portion of a site, provided that the project proponent undertakes to conserve and manage the rest of the site that is ecologically more sensitive on a long-term basis.

"We are glad to see that many of the proposals involve active participation of the key stakeholders such as private landowners, green groups and the local community. Only proposals that are accompanied by a comprehensive and solid conservation plan will be considered for approval as pilot projects," the spokesman said.

"The most important consideration is that the proposal must result in enhancement of the conservation value of the site concerned," he added.

"To implement a PPP project, the proponent will be required to fulfil all the statutory requirements including the application for change of land use zoning or application for planning permission in accordance with the Town Planning Ordinance.

"Approval under the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance will also be required if the proposed development constitutes a designated project," the spokesman said, noting that the Advisory Committee on the Environment and its subcommittee would be consulted.

"We will examine the proposals received in consultation with relevant government bureaus and departments. An inter-departmental Task Force has been set up to examine the PPP proposals in detail. We plan to announce selected MA and PPP pilot projects by the end of November," the spokesman said.

Ends/Tuesday, May 31, 2005


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