Press Release
"Cool Biz Fashion Show" a prelude to World Environment Day 2007
The Environmental Protection Department will launch the "Cool Biz Fashion Show" to begin World Environment Day 2007 with participation by Government officials, business representatives and consulate-generals to promote dress-down in the workplace.
To tie-in with the Government's "Action Blue Sky Campaign" and the Celebration for the 10th Anniversary of the Establishment of the HKSAR, the Environmental Campaign Committee and the Environmental Protection Department will continue to join with the 18 District Councils to appeal to the public to dress-down at workplace as well as conserve energy.
People can contribute to easing air pollution and improving air quality by reducing energy consumption in their daily lives. For example, they can leave the jackets and ties in the wardrobe and dress down, keep the air-conditioned room temperature at 25.5 degrees Celsius, consider opening the windows or using electric fans instead.
"It is not easy to change our daily habits but every small step makes a difference," a department spokesman said.
"In doing so, emission of carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides and respirable suspended particulates will be reduced, quality of living improved, and ecosystems threatened by the melting ice can be saved," he said.
The World Environment Day, which was established by the United Nations General Assembly in 1972, reflects the environmental concerns around the world and aspirations for a better living environment. Commemorated on June 5 each year, it aims to enhance worldwide awareness of environmental protection and to tackle the issues of pollution. Governments around the world will launch various activities to put across this message.
The global slogan for World Environment Day 2007 is "Melting Ice: a Hot Topic?" which focuses on the effects of climate change on polar ecosystems and communities, and the ensuing consequences around the world. To echo this global theme, Clean Air is set as the local theme to promote energy saving and dress-down in the workplace."
In Hong Kong, it is estimated that about one billion units of electricity can be saved each year if the air-conditioned room temperature is set 3 degrees Celsius higher in all air-conditioned premises. Emission of carbon dioxide will be reduced by 700,000 tonnes, sulphur dioxide by 2,400 tonnes, nitrogen oxides by 1,200 tonnes and respirable suspended particulates by 100 tonnes.
Hong Kong is facing an imminent problem of air pollution which is closely related to energy consumption. Local power companies rely on fossil fuel for electricity generation, which cause air pollution. Hence energy saving would lead to improved air quality while reducing the use of air-conditioners in daily lives helps reduce energy consumption.
The Chief Executive, Mr Donald Tsang, will officiate at the "Cool Biz Fashion Show", with participation by government officials, business representatives and consulate-generals. Expected guests will include the Secretary for the Environment, Transport and Works, Dr Sarah Liao; the Secretary for Health, Wealth and Food, Dr York Chow and Chairman of the Environmental Campaign Committee, Mr Joseph Lee Chung-tak. Various singers and artistes will also participate in the programme.
The TV programme of "Cool Biz Fashion Show" will be broadcast on TVB-Jade on June 9 at 9.30pm.
Ends/Tuesday, May 29, 2007