Press Releases

Press Releases - 1997 (July - December)

More sewerage facilities proposed for Tin Shui Wai

The Environmental Protection Department published in the Government Gazette today (Friday) details of a plan to provide more sewerage facilities in Tin Shui Wai to service further development in the area.

The proposed project will include the construction of a sewage pumping station in Tin Shui Wai Reserve Zone Area -101 and the laying of about 2.1 kilometre long twin 800 mm diameter sewage rising mains along existing roads from the site of the proposed sewage pumping station to the existing Ha Tsuen Sewage Pumping Station. The proposed sewage rising mains will be laid across the existing Tin Wah Road and along the existing footpath adjacent to the Western
Drainage Channel.

The works are scheduled to start in late 1998.

Details of the proposal, in both English and Chinese, have been put up on a notice board for public inspection near the site of the proposed sewage pumping station.

Copies of the plans of the proposed undertaking showing the areas and the existing roads to be affected are available for inspection at the following locations:

  1. Central and Western District Office's Public Enquiry Services Centre, ground floor, Harbour Building, 38 Pier Road, Central, Hong Kong;

  2. Yuen Long District Lands Office, ninth-11th floor, Yuen Long Government Offices, Tai Kiu Market, 2 Kiu Lok Square, Yuen Long, New Territories; and

  3. Yuen Long District Office, Yuen Long District Office Building, 269 Castle Peak Road, Yuen Long, New Territories.

Any person who wishes to object to the proposed project is required to send his objection in writing to the Director of Environmental Protection on or before December 23, 1997.

End/Friday, October 24, 1997


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