Press Releases

Press Releases - 1997 (July - December)

CE Visits Environmental Protection Department

The Chief Executive, Mr Tung Chee Hwa, today (Friday) visited the offices and laboratories of the Environmental Protection Department.

Accompanied by the Director of Environmental Protection, Mr Robert Law, Mr Tung was briefed on the department's main environmental quality monitoring programmes and the facilities to monitor air and beach water quality.

During the visit, Mr Tung toured the air quality laboratory where he was shown how air pollution was measured and transformed into the Air Pollution Index.

Mr Tung then visited the water microbiology laboratory where the beach monitoring programme was introduced.

The programme aims to provide the public up-to-date information on beach water quality and to identify any areas that require remedial action.

Programmes and plans to further improve the environment were also introduced.

In expressing his appreciation for the work the department has done in protecting the environment and improving environmental awareness in the community, Mr Tung said that the Government was committed to creating a cleaner and healthier environment for Hong Kong in the years to come.

"Improving the quality of the environment is as vital as economic growth to improving our quality of life. We will ensure that consideration of how to sustain and enhance the environment is built into strategic planning and policy making," he said.

Noting that a Waste Reduction Plan would be launched next year, Mr Tung said that the Government would examine all processes to see where it could be more efficient in handling and reducing waste.

"Keeping Hong Kong clean is everyone's responsibility. Sensible planning and action to reduce waste will enhance our competitiveness," he added.

Mr Law said it was most encouraging to have the Chief Executive's support for the department's work in protecting the environment.

"Support from the highest levels within the government, and also from the general community, is essential if we are to see real improvements in Hong Kong's environmental conditions", he said.

End/Friday, December 5, 1997


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