Press Releases

Press Releases - 1998

New environmental education teaching kits to be produced

The Environmental Protection Department (EPD) today (Wednesday) signed a contract for the production of new environmental education teaching kits which will be distributed to all secondary schools in Hong Kong.

Speaking at the contract signing ceremony, the Acting Director of Environmental Protection, Mr Mike Stokoe, said that the new teaching kits should assist our younger generation in understanding our global and local pollution issues easily.

"Providing our younger generation with more environmental training can pave the way for a better protected environment in our future," he said.

The contract was awarded to Woodward-Clyde International Limited which is required to review the existing kit, known as Anti-Pollution Pack, and to design and produce 500 new packs for distribution to the schools. The contract is expected to be completed by the end of 1998.

Under the contract, each new pack will include a CD-ROM containing information about global and local environmental pollution problems, environmental education and local environmental protection issues. It will also contain a teacher's guide, 30 A4-size transparencies, 40 slides and 30 photos to be used for classroom teaching purposes.

The need to produce a new teaching kit was identified in a survey in June 1997, which indicated that most of the surveyed school perceived the existing kits not sufficient to increase students' environmental knowledge and awareness.

As recommended by the survey, the new pack will include information such as waste recycling, energy conservation, green behaviour, air pollution, noise pollution, sewage treatment and wildlife endangered species.

The production of the new teaching kits and the survey on the use of the existing teaching kits for schools were funded by a donation of $1.65 million from the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charity Trust.

End/Wednesday, August 5, 1998


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