Press Releases

Applications for hydrochlorofluorocarbons quota invited

The Environmental Protection Department (EPD) today (Friday) invited applications for quotas to import 34 types of scheduled substance controlled under the Ozone Layer Protection Ordinance for local consumption in 1999.
Applications for import quotas of these hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) substances are open to all companies registered under the Ordinance, and allocations will be made on a need basis.

The list of the scheduled HCFC substances was published in the gazette today.

Principal Environmental Protection Officer, Mr Pang Sik-wing said: "The control of these substances is required to protect the ozone layer."

He said that according to the Montreal Protocol, Hong Kong's consumption of HCFCs would be reduced in phases to zero by the year 2030 in accordance with a time table set under the Protocol. The HCFCs quotas for Hong Kong in 1999 was 2,526 tonnes.

Applications should be submitted in person to EPD's Air Management Group, 33rd floor, Revenue Tower, 5 Gloucester Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong by 5 pm on July 9, 1999.

For further details, please contact the Air Management Group on 2594 6242 or 2594 6234.

End/Friday, June 11, 1999


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