Trip-Ticket System

Trip-ticket system is a recording system for orderly disposal of construction waste to disposal facilities by trucks. Contractor is required to complete a standard trip-ticket form outlining the details of the transportation vehicle, contents of the vehicle (type and approximate volume of waste) and the designated disposal facility. Once the waste is delivered to the designated facility, a receipt is issued to the vehicle operator for return to the project engineer or architect representative for verification of the contractor's compliance with the policy requirements. The implementation of such a system has ensured a certain level of accountability between the project proponent, engineer/architect and the contractor. Moreover, it facilitates the recording of waste as it arrives at the landfill or public filling area and minimise the potential for cross-contamination with other waste which the vehicle operator may otherwise likely pick-up and route to the disposal facility. This system assumes that the contractor will bear the responsibility for the sorting (where applicable) of the construction waste generated on their site prior to its disposal.

For details of the Trip-ticket System, please refer to the government's technical circular ETWB TCW No.31/2004 .




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