Management Strategy for Construction Waste

Our construction waste management strategy is summarized as an inverted cone which is to avoid, minimise, reuse, recycle and finally dispose of waste with the desirability decreasing in this order.

Our objectives for construction waste management are (i) to reduce the generation of construction waste, (ii) to maximise reuse and recycling and (iii) to reduce the intake of mixed construction waste at landfills. The essence is to:

  • Maintain a well-managed public filling programme with sufficient public fill reception facilities and barging points at convenient locations
  • Encourage sorting of mixed construction waste
  • Encourage reuse and recycling of construction waste
  • Avoid and minimise construction waste through better design and construction management
  • Introduce construction waste charging scheme

Existing Facilities for Construction Waste

Public Fill Reception Facilities

Sorting Facilities


Outlying Islands Transfer Facilities



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Last Revision Date: 23 June 2009