New Waste Acceptance Criteria will be effective from 29 December 2010. Pls click to find out the details.


The Charging Scheme

Commencement of the Charging Scheme

Account Application

Flowchart for Construction Waste Drivers

Government Waste Disposal Facilities for Construction Waste
and Charge Level

Transaction Records of Construction Waste Disposal at
Government Waste Disposal Facilities

Presentation Materials

Further Details

For Enquiries

The Charging Scheme

The legislation for the Construction Waste Disposal Charging Scheme (Charging Scheme) has been passed by the Legislative Council. The commencement notices of the legislation have been posted on the Gazette published on 16 September 2005.

Construction waste means any substance, matter or thing that is generated from construction work and abandoned, whether or not it has been processed or stockpiled before being abandoned, but does not include any sludge, screenings or matter removed in or generated from any desludging, desilting or dredging works.

Construction waste producers, such as construction contractors, renovation contractors or premises owners, prior to using government waste disposal facilities, need to open a billing account with the Environmental Protection Department and pay for the construction waste disposal charge.

Through the Charging Scheme, construction waste producers are encouraged to reduce, sort and recycle construction waste so that their disposal costs can be minimised and our valuable landfill space can be preserved.


Commencement of the Charging Scheme

The Charging Scheme has come into operation on 1 December 2005. Processing of account applications by the Environmental Protection Department has started on the same day.

Starting from 1 December 2005, main contractor who undertakes construction work under a contract with value of $1 million or above is required to open a billing account solely for the contract. Application shall be made within 21 days after the contract is awarded. Failing this will be an offence under the law.

For construction work under a contract with value less than $1 million, such as minor construction or renovation work, any person such as the owner of the premises where the construction work takes place or his/her contractor can open a billing account; the account can also be used for contracts each with value less than $1 million. The premises owner concerned may also engage a contractor with a valid billing account to make arrangement for disposal of construction waste.

Charging for disposal of construction waste has started on 20 January 2006 and from this day, any person before using waste disposal facilities for disposal of construction waste needs to open an account.


Account Application

Form 1

(PDF Format - 2.3MB)
Download Form

Form 1

Billing Account (Construction Work Contract with Value of $1 million or Above)

Main contractor shall make an application within 21 days after the contract is awarded.

Sample of completed application form

The new opening hours with effect from 1 July 2006.

Form 2

(PDF Format - 2.2MB)
Download Form

Form 2

Billing Acount (Construction Work Contract with Value less than $1 million)

To be used for contracts each with value less than $1 million and general construction waste disposal arrangement.

Sample of completed application form

The new opening hours with effect from 1 July 2006.

Form 4

(PDF Format - 714KB)
Download Form

Form 4

Application for Issuance of Chits for Disposal of Construction Waste for Existing Account-holder

Sample of completed application form

The new opening hours with effect from 1 July 2006.

Form 5

(PDF Format - 633KB)
Download Form

Form 5

Notification of Changes in Account Information

The new opening hours with effect from 1 July 2006.

Form 6

(PDF Format - 595KB)
Download Form

Form 6

Application for Closure/Reinstatement of an Account

The new opening hours with effect from 1 July 2006.

Form 7

Application for Vessel to be approved for Delivering Inert Construction Waste to Public Fill Reception Facilities

The new opening hours with effect from 1 July 2006.

Application form is also available by calling EPD (Tel: 2872 1838) for a faxed copy or collection in person from the offices. <address>


Government Waste Disposal Facilities for Construction Waste and Charge Level

The following government waste disposal facilities accept different types of construction waste:

Government waste disposal facilities
(Please see location map)
Type of construction waste accepted
Charge per tonne#
Public fill reception facilities
Consisting entirely of
inert construction waste++
Sorting facilities
Containing more than 50% by weight of inert construction waste++
Containing not more than 50% by weight of inert construction waste++
Outlying Islands Transfer Facilities@
Containing any percentage of
inert construction waste++
#Except for the Outlying Islands Transfer Facilities, the minimum charge load is 1 tonne, i.e. if a load of waste weighs 1 tonne or less, it will be charged as 1 tonne. A load of waste weighing more than 1 tonne will be charged at 0.1 tonne increment. For Outlying Islands Transfer Facilities, the charge is $12.5 per 0.1 tonne and the minimum charge load is 0.1 tonne.
++Inert construction waste means rock, rubble, boulder, earth, soil, sand, concrete, asphalt, brick, tile, masonry or used bentonite.
@If a load of waste contains construction waste and other waste, that load will be regarded as consisting entirely of construction waste for the purpose of calculating the applicable charge.


The current criteria to determine the type of construction waste to be accepted at government construction waste disposal facilities has been posted on the Gazette Notice G.N. 4274 published on 27 June 2008. The new criteria to be effective on 29 December 2010 has been posted on the Gazette Notice G.N. 4278 published on 9 July 2010. Here is a series of publicity programmes for the trade to familiarize with the new criteria:

Publicity programmes for the new criteria
(1) Distribute leaflets (Chinese version only) to public works departments, trade associations and construction waste disposal account-holders;
(2)Mount banner at landfills and sorting facilities;
(3)Arrange a two-month dry run at landfills and sorting facilities before the effective date of the new criteria;
(4)Display poster (Chinese version only) on the dry run at landfills and sorting facilities;
(5)Distribute reminders (Chinese version only) to facility users on the dry run;
(6)Arrange briefing sessions during the dry run period. Interested parties should complete and return the registration form to EPD (Presentation materials of the briefing session to be uploaded); and
(7)Demonstration video on the future operational arrangement (Only Chinese Version).
 Press to view video (Higher version - about 900M)

Press to view viedo (Lower version - about 34M)



Transaction Records of Construction Waste Disposal at Government Waste Disposal Facilities

With due consideration to the overall operational efficiency of the Construction Waste Disposal Charging Scheme, transportation and disposal of construction waste, the waste transaction records for 14-day period are provided for account-holders' use. With the provision of these records, account-holders may consider the need to obtain the information through the waste disposal facilities.

Construction waste transaction records (Excel table)  

With the permission of Transport Department, the permitted gross vehicle weight (PGVW) of vehicles that have delivered construction waste to Government Waste Disposal Facilities are provided below for account-holders' reference.

Permitted gross vehicle weight (Excel table)



Presentation Materials

Presentation materials for the seminar held on 6 July 2005 (PDF format, only Chinese version available)

Presentation materials for the briefings to the trade in October and November 2005 (PDF format)

Presentation materials for the open seminars on account application in November and December 2005 (PDF format, only Chinese version available)


Further Details

Construction Waste Disposal Charging Scheme TV Announcement
Cantonese / English

Construction Waste Disposal Charging Scheme Radio Announcement
Cantonese / Putonghua / English

Posters (Click to enlarge)

Leaflets (Click to view PDF format)

Leaflet 1


If you would like to obtain copies of posters and leaflets, please contact us at 2872 1838.


For Enquiries

Tel: 2838 3111




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Last Revision Date: 31 May 2011




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