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A recent study has established some of the most advanced construction equipment. Performance and praticability of the equipment has been studied and approved on different construction sites in Hong Kong.

The data show that the sound pressure level of noise generated using quieter equipment and methods is significantly lower than that of using traditional equipment and methods

Equipment with QPME Label

QPME or Quality Powered Mechanical Equipment items, are construction equipment items that are new, notably quieter, more environmentally friendly and efficient. QPME system is an administrative system developed by Environmental Protection Department to reflect the state-of-the-art construction equipment, to facilitate the Construction Noise Permit (CNP) application process, and at the same time supports the "Pay for Safety and Environment" concept of the Works Branch of the Development Bureau. Applications from equipment over 6 years old are not normally be accepted. The capital expenditure on QPME can be deducted from Profits Tax. Detailed information can found in the website below: