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2.2 Approach to Reporting

This section describes the approach taken in the report to discussing the environmental baseline conditions in terms of the natural capital stock concept. The approach is guided by the framework shown in Figure 2.1a and the elements of stock defined previously. In this figure, the natural capital stock concept is shown as comprising four primary components:

  • natural resources;
  • ecological resources;
  • assimilative capacity functions (combining natural assimilative capacity and assimilative capacity enhancers);
  • heritage resources;

and four secondary components:

  • recreational value;
  • landscape value;
  • existence value; and
  • scientific value.

All elements of natural capital stock in the diagram are listed within one of the four primary component quadrants in the figure. Coloured dots following the individual elements denote where the element also contributes to one or more of the secondary components of natural capital stock. The four primary components of natural capital stock correspond generally with the guiding principles defined earlier in the study in Topic Report 5(1) . Each of the five relevant guiding principles is supported by unique sets of indicators which form the outer ring of the diagram.

(1) Guiding principles of sustainable development are defined in Topic Report 5 and described in topic Report 6

Box 2.1b Elements of the Natural Capital Stock Concept in Hong Kong

Natural Resources - harvestable products or useable assets derived from naturally occurring or human managed environmental features (eg land supply, capture and culture fisheries, crops and livestock, potable water, flushing water).

Ecological Resources - defined species, floral/faunal groups, or habitats which act or are likely to act as key structuring components of the ecosystem (eg mangrove stands, natural woodland, seagrass bed, egretries, corals).

Scientific Values - environmental features which are being researched or are regarded as potential subjects for research (eg areas of biodiversity, geological SSSIs).

Existence Values - environmental or natural resource features which are appreciated by society irrespective of any other natural capital stock functions they may offer (eg dolphins, corals, Victoria Harbour).

Assimilative Capacity Functions - defined as environmental self-purification or equilibration processes (eg absorption and degradation of contaminants in soils/sediments, air/water, landfill capacity, biological breakdown of contaminants).

Assimilative Capacity Enhancers - man-made environmental infrastructure that reduce or modify pollutant loadings to the environment (eg sewage treatment works, landfills, incinerators).

Landscape Values - defined as those environmental features which provide scenic or aesthetic values (eg vegetated areas, islands, natural coastline, peaks).

Heritage Values - defined as those sites which contain historical, cultural, or religious features (eg fung shui woodland, temples, historic buildings).

Recreational Values - those sites which serve as amenity areas for human use (eg beaches, trails and walkways, picnic/barbecue sites).

Each indicator is linked back to the individual elements of natural capital stock through codes corresponding with those shown in the four quadrants in the centre of the Figure 2.1a. It is noted that some indicators (eg Freshwater Produced Locally) are related to more than one primary component of natural capital stock (ie natural resources and assimilative capacity), and in turn to one or more secondary natural capital stock components (ie landscape value and existence value) since they may have resonance for more than one function of the capital stock. It is not intended in this report to review and discuss the rationale for the relevant sustainability indicators; readers are referred to Topic Report 6 for a full account of indicator development in SUSDEV 21. However, at the start of each section dealing with a key aspect of the natural capital stock, the indicators which are relevant to that natural function have been introduced to clarify their relationship with the elements of the capital stock that will be discussed in that section.


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2005 版權標誌| 重要告示

最近修訂日期: 二零零五年十二月二十二日