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3.6 Minerals, Aggregates and Energy
Energy Use and Supply

Demand for energy in Hong Kong can be classified as arising from the residential, commercial, industrial and transport sectors. The two principal energy carriers for supply to residential, commercial and industrial users in Hong Kong are electricity and town gas. The transport sector currently relies heavily on diesel for trucks, buses and taxis and petrol for private vehicles. A small amount of electricity is used in rail public transport.

The final electricity requirement in 1998 was about 35,000 GWh (125,000 TJ) supplied by two government-regulated, investor-owned companies, Hong Kong Electric Company (HEC) and CLP Power (CLP) from three major power stations in Hong Kong:

  • Lamma Power Station (HEC): 3,305 MW;
  • Black Point Power Station (CLP): 1,875 MW;
  • Castle Peak Power Station (CLP): 4,168 MW. Lamma and Castle Peak are coal-fired steam plants (although two units at Castle Peak have natural gas burners retrofitted to the boilers) and the units at Black Point are combined-cycle gas turbines fired by natural gas piped from an offshore field in the South China Sea. In addition, under an arrangement with the Guangdong Nuclear Investment Company, CLP purchases approximately 70% of the electricity produced by the Daya Bay Nuclear Power Station in Guangdong. CLP also have access to the 600 MW of pumped storage capacity in Guangdong. HEC's capacity at the Lamma station includes a small amount of open cycle gas turbines and CLP have 300 MW of open cycle gas turbines at Penny's Bay. The two sources of gas supply in Hong Kong are Towngas (with around 76% of the market share in energy terms in 1998) and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). Towngas is manufactured at two sites in Hong Kong using naphtha feedstock with a combined daily output capacity of 10.6 million cubic metres (ISD 1999) which is supplied to customers by a mains system. LPG is currently imported by sea and distributed in cylinders by road transport although there are also some small networks for piped local supply of LPG in areas not connected to the main town gas reticulated system. Energy demand statistics are generally compiled in two forms. The final energy requirement represents the amount of energy consumed by users for all energy purposes, such as air conditioning, lighting, cooking, and using machinery, but excludes non-energy uses, such as the use of kerosene as solvent. The primary energy requirement refers to the overall energy consumption within a geographic territory and includes the energy accounted for in the final energy requirement plus all energy used or lost in the energy conversion and distribution processes. Between 1988 and 1998, Hong Kong's final energy requirement increased from 215,919 TJ to 390,747 TJ, an increase of over 80%. The 1998 final energy requirement was composed of 125,447 terajoules (TJ) of electricity consumption, 23,943 TJ of gas consumption, and 241,085 TJ of petroleum combustion for the transport sector and 272 TJ from coal products. The total primary energy requirement (taking into account coal products, oil and gas products and imported electricity) was 576,123 TJ in 1998, an increase of 55% since 1988 (CSD 1998a). Changes in the economic base of the area mean that the commercial sector is now the largest energy consumer with 59% of the share in 1998, with the domestic sector consuming around 26%, and the remainder supplying the industrial sector. When normalised on a per capita basis, energy consumption statistics follow the same trend as shown for primary and final energy requirements: per capita consumption of primary energy requirements rose from 66,165 MJ in 1988 to 86,153 MJ in 1998.


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最近修訂日期: 二零零五年十二月二十二日