The most important habitat area utilised by the Chinese White Dolphin (Sousa chinensis) is the north Lantau waters as the highest sightings have been recorded in areas between Pillar Point, the northeastern corner of Chek Lap Kok, Lung Kwu Chau and Black Point (Jefferson 1998a). For Finless porpoise (Neophocaena phocaenoides), individuals are primarily seen in the southern waters with the highest number of sightings being recorded in the southwestern tip of Lamma Island (ERM 1998e; Jefferson 1998b). | |
Subtidal areas which support high coral (ie hard coral or octocoral (soft coral and gorgonian)) abundance and/or diversity are considered of special concern. Such locations include east of Ping Chau, northeast of Kat O, north of the Crescent Island, east of the Double Island, west of Chek Chau, Hoi Ha Wan, north and south of Breaker Reef, east of Victor Rock, west and southwest of the Basalt Island, Trio Islands, Po Keng Teng (northeast of Clearwater Bay), north, east and south of Ching Chau, south and east of Tung Lung Chau, north and south of the North Ninepin Island, west of the South Ninepin Island, One Foot Rock, Fury Rocks, north and south of Sung Kong, south of Waglan Island, southeast of Beaufort Island, northeast and southwest of Po Toi and north of Lamma Island. | |
Marine areas which provide documented habitats for seagrass include Lai Chi Wo which is the only known location where seagrass (H. ovata) extends to shallow subtidal areas (Fong 1998b). It should be noted that other seagrass beds exist in the intertidal zone and will thus, for the purposes of this Study, be considered for listing as terrestrial habitats of special concern under the SUSDEV 21 baseline survey. |