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4.2 Existing Capital Stock and Trends

Marine Invertebrates

In parallel with the terrestrial invertebrate community in Hong Kong, local marine invertebrates are exceedingly diverse and abundant. Marine invertebrates include echinoderms (eg sea urchins, starfishes), anthozoans (eg corals, anemones), molluscs (eg limpets, snails, bivalves, squids), crustaceans (eg crabs, shrimps, barnacles), coelenterates (eg jellyfish) and annelids (eg sandworms, polychaetes) all of which have been recorded on various coastal shores and/or subtidal zones of Hong Kong waters. Over 50 species of coral occur in Hong Kong. Hong Kong's coral fauna forms two distinct communities, namely the hermatypic reef community and the ahermatypic/octocorallian community (see Hard-bottom Marine Habitats above). Several species of coral, including the mushroom coral, Fungia, and the branching coral, Pocillopora, are among the species of coral reported by HKU researchers in the 1950s, but have not been observed for many years and are presumably locally extinct. Other species such as Acropora sp and the distinctive Galaxea sp are rapidly declining in numbers (Scott 1984).

Populations of horseshoe crabs in Hong Kong are known to have declined over the past ten years prompting calls for their conservation (Chiu and Morton 1999). Although there were abundant numbers of Tachypleus tridentatus and Tachypleus gigas in Tai Po as recently as the late 1980s (Mikkelsen 1988), none can be found in this area today. Habitat is currently limited to areas of Deep Bay and the northwest coast of Lantau Island and it is suspected that both habitat loss and pollutant impacts may be harming the remaining populations. Although horseshoe crabs are currently protected under the Marine Parks Ordinance (Cap 476), the areas of key habitat for this species in Hong Kong (at Pak Nai in Deep Bay, along the north west coast of Lantau Island and at Shui Hau on the southern coast of Lantau Island) are not located within currently designated or proposed marine parks or reserves (and the species protected in Schedule 2 of the Marine Parks Ordinance are not protected outside of the designated Marine Park areas).

Marine Species of Special Concern

Organisms which are protected under the Wild Animals Ordinance (Cap 170) and/or the Marine Parks Ordinance (Cap 476), or are documented to be rare, threatened or endangered are listed in Annex D. Several marine species are included on this list and many of these species can be considered "flagship" species based on the amount of public concern regarding their welfare. The Chinese white dolphin is arguably the best known of Hong Kong's marine species of special concern. With the initiation in 1989 by WWF of a sightings programme, followed by intensive research in the mid-1990s in conjunction with concerns about impacts resulting from the new international airport at Chek Lap Kok, the Chinese white dolphin is often featured in the media. Vessel-based dolphin observation cruises have become a popular pleasure/recreational activity during recent few years. Perhaps because less is known about the Finless porpoise, or because it is more difficult to observe, this species has garnered less concern. However, there is a growing recognition that it too should have a conservation and management plan and research to support this plan is currently underway. Recent action has been taken to protect the Green turtle nesting site at Sham Wan, and various regulatory measures are available to assist with conservation of corals (stony corals, true corals and black corals), seagrasses, sea horses and horseshoe crabs.
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最近修訂日期: 二零零五年十二月二十二日