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5.3 Assimilative Capacity of Freshwater Systems

Another means of addressing local, and specific river water quality patterns is through examination of the compliance of river systems with WQOs. Data for 1998 (EPD 1999c) show that for five key WQOs set by EPD for inland waters (pH, suspended solids, DO, COD and BOD5), the least compliant rivers were those within the Deep Bay WCZ. Whilst compliance with pH was generally good, a number of river systems within this WCZ showed poor levels of compliance with the other four WQOs. Several of the rivers in this WCZ in the north west New Territories continue to receive high organic pollutant inputs from domestic sewage, livestock waste and industrial effluents which explains the high levels of organic pollution present. Despite the reductions in organic pollution to such river systems as a result of regulatory measures and changes in agricultural practices (see Section 5.3.3), levels of E. coli bacteria (indicating faecal pollution) remain comparatively high in both the Deep Bay streams as well as a number of other rivers in each of the other freshwater WCZs.

Although the water quality index provides an overview of the water quality of freshwaters, only a limited number of parameters are measured. Water quality is also influenced by a range of inorganic parameters including nutrients and metals. The results of long term trend analyses undertaken by EPD are shown for a range of water quality parameters in Table 5.3b. The figures presented are the percentage of water quality monitoring stations showing a significant long term trend in the parameters.

Table 5.3b Long Term Changes in Selected River Water Quality Parameters
Table 5.3b Long Term Changes in Selected River Water Quality Parameters
Water Quality Parameter No. Stations Showing a Significant Trend % Monitoring Stations Showing Long Term Trends :
Increasing Trend
% Monitoring Stations Showing Long Term Trends :
Decreasing Trend
Dissolved Oxygen 56 98.2% 1.8%
Suspended Solids 50 2.0% 98.0%
BOD5 52 1.9% 98.1%
Ammonical Nitrogen 50 6.0% 94.0%
Total Phosphorus 68 0% 100%
Aluminium 27 63% 37.0%
Copper 36 2.8% 97.2%
Lead 44 0% 100%

Source:Consultants calculations based on monitoring stations showing long term trends in river water quality in EPD (1999c)

The data indicate that for all parameters except Aluminium, where long term trends in water quality were identified, these were of a positive nature at a much greater number of stations than those showing adverse changes for each parameter. The trend in concentrations of Aluminium was most prevalent in the Southern (Mui Wo River), Port Shelter (Ho Chung River), Junk Bay (Tseng Lan Shue Stream) and Victoria Harbour WCZs (Sam Dip Tam Stream). It appears that the prevalence of this metal may be due to construction activities (eg piling) and industrial discharges. Previous reports on territorial water quality (PlanD 1993a) have noted the presence of high levels of metals in watercourses in the north west New Territories which were associated with industrial wastewater discharges. However, more recent data (EPD 1999c) suggest that the concentrations of most metals in these watercourses have declined, except for a long term increase in copper (at 2 monitoring stations) and zinc (1 station) in Yuen Long Creek and aluminium and zinc (1 station each) in the River Ganges.


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