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5.3 Assimilative Capacity of Freshwater Systems

As well as physical schemes and programmes for improved sewerage and sewage treatment, a number of regulatory instruments have been introduced by the Hong Kong SAR Government in recent years to address water pollution problems. The key pollution control legislation enacted and its relevance to, and effects on, assimilative capacity of freshwaters to date are briefly reviewed in Box 5.3a.

Box 5.3a Regulation in Hong Kong Affecting Freshwater Pollution

The Water Pollution Control Ordinance (Cap 358) provides for the designation of water control zones within which discharges of effluent other than domestic sewage into a foul sewer must be licensed (by EPD). First enacted in 1980 and subsequently amended to tighten controls on waste water discharge procedures, the Ordinance has allowed for better regulation and control of polluting activities within the various WCZs so that EPD can work towards achievement of the WQOs in marine and freshwaters, through regulation, enforcement and advice. It is estimated that through enforcement activities in 1997 alone, a total daily reduction in BOD loadings of 1,330kg was achieved (equivalent to a reduction in organic pollution load from 112,700 people).

The Waste Disposal Ordinance (Cap 354) provides the framework for managing all solid and semi-solid wastes in Hong Kong. With regard to freshwater pollution, it prohibits livestock keeping in urban areas, provides for control over the discharge or deposit of livestock waste in designated control areas, controls the illegal dumping of waste and introduced a control scheme on chemical waste. Two subsidiary schemes of particular relevance to freshwater pollution control are described here.

  • The Livestock Waste Control Scheme (LWCS) was introduced under the Waste Disposal (Livestock Waste) Regulations to address the problem of organic and faecal pollution of rivers and streams from agricultural activities. The LWCS set up Livestock Waste Prohibition Areas in which the keeping of livestock was prohibited and outside of these areas further controls on the collection, storage, treatment and disposal of livestock waste was enforced. Livestock farmers were provided with payments to assist with developing acceptable waste management procedures and free waste collection systems were set up. The scheme has been successful in reducing livestock waste pollution of watercourses (up to 80% reduction in BOD loadings to rivers in the New Territories), although some of the changes have resulted from widespread cessation of farming activities: prior to scheme implementation in 1988 there were around 10,000 livestock farms - which reduced to less than 800 in 1997 (see Section 3.3 for a discussion of agricultural land use change).

  • The Chemical Waste Control Scheme (CWCS) was brought about under the Waste Disposal (Chemical Waste) (General) Regulation. The scheme has resulted in the reduction of toxic discharges to rivers through controls on the management, transport, handling and disposal of hazardous and toxic wastes. In particular, the development of the Chemical Waste Treatment Centre (see Section 3.5) has provided a secure and effective disposal route for chemical waste arisings.

Sources: EPD (1998c), EPD (1999c), WWF (1999).

As a result of the implementation of the WPCO and WDO, significant reductions in BOD loadings to freshwaters have been achieved. These reductions, together with current loadings (at the end of 1998) are shown in Table 5.3d.

Table 5.3d Organic Pollution Load Reduction in Freshwaters ( Point Source Discharge)
Table 5.3d Organic Pollution Load Reduction in Freshwaters ( Point Source Discharge)

Pollution Source

BOD load before control (kg day-1) BOD load after control (kg day-1) BOD load reduction
(kg day-1)
BOD load reduction
Average %
Tolo Harbour & Channel WCZ
DICI(2) 11,860 2,644 9,216 78%
Livestock 2,856 0 2,856 100%
Southern WCZ
DICI 15 0 15 100%
Livestock 178 0 178 100%
Port shelter WCZ
DICI 1,023 550 473 46%
Livestock 158 0 158 100%
Junk Bay WCZ
DICI 482 277 205 43%
Livestock 19 1 18 95%
Deep Bay WCZ
DICI 20,095 4,432 15,663 78%
Livestock 67,187 3,208.5 63,978.5 95%
North Western WCZ
DICI 7,118 719 6,399 90%
Livestock 9,520 0 9,520 100%
Western Buffer WCZ
DICI 4.6 0.2 4.4 96%
Livestock n/a n/a - -
Victorial WCZ
DICI 81 35 46 57%
Livestock n/a n/a - -
DICI total 40,678.6 8,657.2 32,021.4 79%
Livestock total 79,918 3,209.5 76,708.5 96%
Overall total 120,596.6 11,866.7 108,729.9 90%

(1) BOD load after control is equivalent to current (1998) BOD loading.
(2) DICI - Domestic, Industrial, Commercial and Institutional. BOD loading reductions in DICI sources are attributed to Water Pollution Control Ordinance (WPCO); BOD loading reductions in livestock waste sources are attributed to Waste Disposal Ordinance (WDO).
Source: EPD (1999c)

As well as indicating those WCZs which are subject to the greatest organic pollution loads to rivers and streams, the data in the table show that particularly large reductions in wastes from livestock sources have been achieved as a result of the Waste Disposal Ordinance (and LWCS). The Deep Bay WCZ has experienced particularly large reductions in pollutant inputs, although the current levels of BOD loadings to rivers in this catchment are still significant. Infrastructure for the treatment of water supplied to homes, businesses and industry in Hong Kong is indirectly relevant to the assimilative capacity of the natural capital. Whilst much of Hong Kong's water is supplied from the mainland, measures to reduce leakages, foster efficiency, manage demand, and increase the supply network for seawater flushing will indirectly benefit assimilative capacity through reduced water abstraction (see Section 3.4 - Freshwater Resources for further discussion on freshwater supply and demand).


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