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5.4 Assimilative Capacity of Air (including Noise)
5.4.1 Existing Capital Stock and Trends
Natural Assimilative Capacity

Hong Kong's atmosphere is subject to a number of characteristic airstreams which influence its assimilative capacity. The prevailing winds in Hong Kong are north-easterly for about 70% of the year and winds from the north are particularly prevalent during the winter months when they carry significant levels of pollution from industrial sources in Guangdong. The atmospheric environment of Hong Kong is also influenced by several topographically confined airsheds (see Figure 5.4a) which are defined by areas of steep terrain and which may restrict the dispersion of pollutants. The assimilative capacity of the territory's air (which has not been precisely determined) is limited by these topographical and meteorological factors. In addition, many urbanised areas of Hong Kong have limited air circulation, due to the density of high rise buildings resulting in elevated levels of air pollution from vehicle emissions (this is known as the 'street canyon' effect).

In the absence of detailed research or empirical findings with regard to the true assimilative capacity of the airsheds above Hong Kong, reference is made in this section to existing levels of air pollutants in comparison with the series of established Air Quality Objectives (AQOs). The degree of compliance of air quality with these standards has been used as a proxy means to assess assimilative capacity of the air. EPD generally recognises that the AQOs are representative of thresholds beyond which further accumulation of pollutants would represent an exceedence of assimilative capacity. Whilst this approach allows a degree of quantification of the concept, it is not within the scope of this report to attempt an overall estimate of assimilative capacity of individual airsheds in the territory.

The discussion on assimilative capacity of the air with regard to noise is somewhat different from other issues in this report because of the character of noise as a pollutant. Noise emissions are generally only polluting where they occur and do not pose a "downstream" impact or effect elsewhere. The assimilative capacity of the air is therefore effectively unlimited although it is obviously desirable to eradicate or minimise noise at source, and areas with high ambient noise levels may be considered to have limited assimilative capacity in a local context.

Air Quality Monitoring Routine monitoring of air quality in Hong Kong is conducted by EPD via a network of fixed stations which determine concentrations of gaseous and particulate pollutants at both roadside stations and general stations, the latter to determine ambient levels. From the monitoring data obtained, EPD disseminates hourly information on air quality in the form of the Air Pollution Index (API). The index encompasses RSP, SO2, NO2, CO and O3 and works by scaling the concentrations of the five pollutants within a range of 0 to 500. The results are then presented as categories of low, medium, high, very high or severe on a station basis - for urban, new town, roadside and rural. The API is applied separately to general and roadside datasets. Whilst the index is used to provide information on ambient air quality conditions on any particular day, the following section discusses trends in air quality with reference to concentrations of individual pollutants as compared with their relevant air quality objective (AQO) in order to comment on assimilative capacity. Although results from all monitoring stations are considered together, it should be recognised that the stations at Mong Kok, Causeway Bay and Central are roadside sites and therefore concentrations of certain pollutants (eg particulates and nitrogen oxides) can be expected to be higher than those from ambient monitoring stations.


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2005 版權標誌| 重要告示

最近修訂日期: 二零零五年十二月二十二日