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5.2 Assimilative Capacity of Marine Waters
Beaches and Beach Water Quality in Hong Kong

A total of 50 beaches (41 gazetted; 9 non-gazetted) in Hong Kong are routinely monitored for bathing water quality by EPD during the bathing season (March to October inclusive). Gazetted beaches are monitored 4-6 times per month (non-gazetted, twice per month) during the bathing season to provide weekly up-to-date information on bathing water quality (EPD 1998b). Water samples are principally analysed for bacterial contamination (E. coli) against a WQO which has been set for E. coli at 180 per 100 mL.

Data on beach water quality are analysed in two ways. During the bathing season a beach grading system is used principally to provide weekly information on water quality and is based on the E. coli level (running geometric mean) of the 5 most recent consecutive samples. Annual beach ranking is undertaken to provide longer term trend data and the analysis is based on the geometric mean E. coli level for the whole bathing season. For both systems a four tier rank/grade is applied (1=Good; 2=Fair; 3=Poor; 4=Very Poor) depending upon the E. coli count obtained. Summary data for annual beach water rankings are shown in Table 5.2a for the years since the present ranking system was adopted in 1992.

Table 5.2a Annual Rank of Beach Water Quality 1992-1998
Year  Number of Beaches Ranked Number of Gazetted Beaches within Each Ranking Category : Good Number of Gazetted Beaches within Each Ranking Category : Fair Number of Gazetted Beaches within Each Ranking Category : Poor Number of Gazetted Beaches within Each Ranking Category : Very Poor
1992 42 18 14 7 3
1993 42 17 12 10 3
1994 42 15 14 11 2
1995 43 16 10 13 4
1996 41 13 14 10 4
1997 41 10 16 12 3
1998 41 16 16 8 1

Source: Data provided by EPD, January 1999 ((3) in WSG/EM/Data Req.)

AThe data show that between 1992 and 1997, the number of beaches with water quality ranked 'good' declined substantially, whilst the number of beaches in the 'poor' category increased slightly. The categories for 'fair' and 'very poor' changed little over this period and overall a declining trend in beach water quality could be identified. However this trend was reversed in 1998 when over 75% of Hong Kong's gazetted beaches were ranked as 'good' or 'fair' and therefore complied with the WQO. In recent years, those gazetted beaches which have been classified as 'poor' or 'very poor' are located primarily in the Tuen Mun or Tsuen Wan districts. This area is known to be affected by point and non-point sources (ie unsewered discharges) from industrialised areas and villages along the Tai Lam coast. One exception to this geographic trend is Rocky Bay Beach on southern Hong Kong Island. Although the commissioning of the Sewage Screening Plant SSP at Shek O has coincided with a decrease in E. coli concentrations at Rocky Bay Beach, and this may be due to the collection and routing of some of the polluting discharges in the vicinity of the beach to the SSP, the water quality at the beach is still rated as 'poor'. The continued 'poor' rating may be due to discharges from unsewered areas along the coast or to polluted discharges from storm drains in the vicinity of the beach (ERM 1998f). Hong Kong's beaches are also subject to pollution in the form of algal blooms (see Paragraph and floating refuse. There has been a steady increase in the amount of refuse collected from gazetted beaches in the last 10 years (from 6,584 m3 in 1989 to 10,840 m3 in 1998). Whilst this trend may reflect the increased effort devoted to refuse collection since 1994, it also suggests that the source of the marine refuse problem is continuing. Further discussion of marine debris is provided in Paragraph - Marine Habitat and Species Loss and discussion of littering and other unauthorised waste disposal can be found in Paragraph (Land Use and Land Supply).


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