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5.2 Assimilative Capacity of Marine Waters
5.2.2 Assimilative Capacity Enhancers

For many years Hong Kong has experienced a rapidly expanding population and new development which has outpaced the speed at which sewage and other wastewater treatment infrastructure could be provided. As a result, there is a long history of using coastal waters to disperse and dilute untreated sewage, livestock wastes and wastewaters from industrial and commercial premises. In response to the growing pollutant inputs and the reduction in remaining assimilative capacity of the receiving environment, the Government has invested increasing amounts of capital into the development of new infrastructure for capturing and treating such discharges as well as enforcing a suite of environmental protection regulations to control pollution of the marine environment.

Sewerage Master Plans

A total of 16 Sewerage Master Plans have been developed across Hong Kong to provide for the sewerage infrastructure required to collect sewage in each catchment area and route it to treatment facilities. Although the plans themselves were all completed between 1989 and 1996, the infrastructure works required to meet the plans' recommendations are in various stages of progress. Current progress in implementing the SMPs in terms of their effect on enhancing assimilative capacity and in relation to current pollution problems and capacity constraints in each of the WCZs is reviewed in Annex F4.

Strategic Sewage Disposal Scheme (SSDS)

The SSDS is Hong Kong's largest sewerage and sewage treatment infrastructure project and is designed to provide improvements in the level of sewerage in the main urban areas of Hong Kong. The scheme comprises the construction of several large underground sewage collection tunnels which will convey sewage to a central treatment works at Stonecutters Island before treated effluent is pumped under Victoria Harbour to a deep sea outfall in the marine waters south of Lamma Island. It is expected that the problems associated with high levels of faecal pollution in Victoria Harbour and adjacent WCZs will be partially alleviated when Stage I of the SSDS is commissioned. This stage will involve the collection and treatment of the majority of sewage currently being discharged to Victoria Harbour (in the main, untreated) from Kowloon, although the treated effluent will continue to be discharged to the harbour from an interim outfall at Stonecutters Island. Due to engineering and contractual difficulties with the project, it is not expected that Stage I (costing over $8 billion) will be operative until 2002. However, it is thought that the full implementation of the infrastructure project (ie Stages II-IV) will be needed to permanently solve the problem of this source of pollution in Victoria Harbour. Stage II (scheduled for completion in 2008) will result in the additional collection and treatment of Hong Kong Island loads and their discharge to marine waters south of Lamma Island via a long sea outfall. Stages III and IV will collect additional sewage flows from the southwest side and the northern shore of Hong Kong and route them to the Stonecutters Island treatment works.


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2005 版權標誌| 重要告示

最近修訂日期: 二零零五年十二月二十二日