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5.2 Assimilative Capacity of Marine Waters

Other Marine Water Assimilative Capacity Enhancers

A number of other management programmes and infrastructure developments have been implemented to improve marine water quality. One example is the Tolo Harbour Action Plan which consists of a series of technical, infrastructural and regulatory measures. The Action Plan was established in 1986 to reduce and control polluting inputs of sewage to Tolo Harbour from the rapidly expanding areas of Tai Po and Sha Tin through better sewerage and stricter pollution control measures. Prior to this time, the industrial and other discharges to Tolo Harbour had created a situation of poor water quality due to the heavy loading and extremely limited flushing capacity of this nearly enclosed waterbody. As a result of the second phase of the Action Plan, known as the Tolo Harbour Effluent Export Scheme, sewage loadings now routed to the STWs in Tai Po and Sha Tin are exported (via pipeline) to Victoria Harbour which is considered to have a greater capacity to disperse the pollutant load.

A special water quality management plan has been developed for Deep Bay, which, as identified in the previous subsection on marine water quality, has been compromised by heavy pollutant inputs, natural poor flushing conditions and reduced freshwater flows. A study was conducted on the existing conditions in Deep Bay (Hyder/CES 1998) which was used to formulate action plans for the area. Under the Hong Kong Guangdong Environmental Protection Liaison Group, water quality objectives have been agreed between the two parties, a joint monitoring programme has been established and data are periodically exchanged. A similar study of Mirs Bay resulted in the development of objectives and an action plan in 1998 (Hong Kong and Shenzhen Government 1996).

In addition to these areas of special water quality focus, Hong Kong's existing sewage treatment infrastructure supports treatment of a large volume of wastewater, thereby directly reducing pollutant loads to marine waters. Average and total sewage flows from Hong Kong's existing treatment works as of 1997 have been compiled from Drainage Services Department data and are presented in Table 5.2b. Due to the large number of individual treatment works, data are summarised by geographical area.

Table 5.2b Average and Total Sewage Flows to Treatment Works by Area (1997 data)


Number of Treatment Plant per Area Average Flow 1000 m3d-1 Total Flow 1000 m3d-1
Hong Kong Island North 7 379.56 138,376.93
Small Sewage Treatments Works 2 65.31 23,846.8
Sewage Screening Plants 5 314.26 114,530.1
Sewage Treatments Works (10/ 20) 0 0 0
Hong Kong Island South 7 120.18 43,840.5
Small Sewage Treatments Works 2 0.06 20.0
Sewage Screening Plants 4 115.97 42,305.3
Sewage Treatments Works (10/ 20) 1 4.15 1,515.2
Kowloon Metro 11 1,302.81 436,287.4
Small Sewage Treatments Works 1 0.01 2.1
Sewage Screening Plants 9 1,004.5 363,219.3
Sewage Treatments Works (10/ 20) 1 298.25 73,066.0
Southwest and Lantau Island 6 4.53 1,652.3
Small Sewage Treatments Works 5 2.21 805.5
Sewage Screening Plants 0 0 0
Sewage Treatments Works (10/ 20) 1 2.32 846.8
West and Northwest N.T. 10 296.34 108,228.67
Small Sewage Treatments Works 6 0.7 249.5
Sewage Screening Plants 2 163.67 59,787.0
Sewage Treatments Works (10/ 20) 2 131.97 48,191.9
East, Northeast and Southeast N.T. 7 287.6 105,049.91
Small Sewage Treatments Works 3 1.04 379.8
Sewage Screening Plants 0 0 0
Sewage Treatments Works (10/ 20) 4 286.56 104,670.1
Small Sewage Treatments Works 19 69.33 25,303.7
Sewage Screening Plants 20 1,598.4 579,841.7
Sewage Treatments Works (10/ 20) 9 723.25 228,290.0

Source: ERM (1999) Sludge Treatment and Disposal Strategy, Final Report to EPD, July, 1999. In addition to these facilities, a number of new sewage treatment works have been commissioned since 1997. These works include the Siu Ho Wan sewage treatment plants on the north shore of Lantau Island. In the next few years treatment upgrades will be implemented at San Wai, Siu Ho Wan and Pillar Point treatment works, and capacity upgrades are planned for a number of other plants. Government has also committed in the 1999 Policy Address (Policy Objectives) to implementing a 10-year programme to upgrade disinfection at major sewage treatment works to reduce bacterial loads by 99.9%.


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