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Table 7.4b Justification of Ecological Value Assigned to the Wetland Conservation Area and the Wetland Buffer Area
Location Date of Designation (dd/mm/yy) Importance as a Designated Area Indicative Ecological Value (based on the Habitat Type Mapped within the Area) Existing Information to Substantiate Adjustment of Ecological Value
Wetland Conservation Area 1997 Unique international and regional importance of the fishpond system particularly of ardeids (ie herons and egrets).


According to the Town Planning Board Guidelines for Application for Developments within Deep Bay Area (revised April 1999), the ecological importance of the fishpond system in the Deep Bay Area has been confirmed by the PlanD study on Ecological Value of Fish Ponds in the Deep Bay Area (Aspinwall 1997). Therefore, all the fishponds within the Wetland Conservation Area have been upgraded to high ecological value.
Wetland Buffer Area 1997 The intention of the WBA is to protect the ecological integrity of the fishponds and wetland within the WCA and prevent development that would have a negative off-site disturbance impact on the ecological value of fishponds.

Mostly negligible (as the majority of the area was mapped as developed area (ie Other)

As the WBA was designated in order to protect the fishponds and wetland habitats within the WCA and there is no documented information to indicate the ecological importance of the habitats inside the area itself, therefore, ecological value of habitats within the WBA remains unchanged.


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2005 版權標誌| 重要告示

最近修訂日期: 二零零五年十二月二十二日