Planning Department (PlanD) of the Hong Kong Special
Administrative Region Government commissioned ERM-Hong
Kong, Ltd (ERM) in June 1998, to undertake Environmental
Baseline Surveys under a Supplementary Agreement to
the Study on Sustainable Development for the 21st Century
(SUSDEV 21). This Final Report represents one of the
output products of Task 7 "Reporting" (Figure
1.1a) for the Environmental Baseline Survey on Terrestrial
Habitat Mapping and Ranking based on Conservation Value.
The output also includes a 1:20,000 habitat map which
can be made available in a Geographic Information System
(GIS) format through the Sustainable Development System
(SDS). According to the Final Inception Paper for this
baseline survey which was submitted in September 1998
(ERM 1998), this report includes descriptions on the
details of the methodology used and the results of the
analysis, findings and conclusions of Tasks 1 through
6, including a discussion of the changes in total area
of each habitat type from 1989 to 1998. This report
also provides information on the background and results
of the ranking conducted in Task 6. Data collected during
the field surveys and locations of the survey sites
are provided as annexes to the report.
of the key tasks of the Study on Sustainable Development
for the 21st Century (SUSDEV 21 Study) is to compile
a database of environmental information relevant to
sustainability. This information will be used to assess
proposed projects or policies against sustainability
guiding values and indicators which will be defined
through consultation with the public and specific stakeholders.
As it provides the backbone for the environmental sustainability
assessment, the database must be comprehensive, representative
of current conditions, and easy to use. For these reasons,
the environmental baseline database is being compiled
from a comprehensive review of existing information,
supplemented where necessary by additional field studies,
and developed as a Geographic Information System (GIS).
a series of meetings with the Environmental Study Management
Group (ESMG) it was agreed that the supplementary baseline
surveys would focus on four topics, as listed below:
Mapping and Ranking based on Conservation Value;
in Air;
in Marine Sediment and Biota; and
Related Noise.