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1.6 Report Structure

The format of the Final Report is as follows:

  • Section 1 provides a background to the Study including objectives, a summary of existing information along with a discussion of the relevance of the topic to sustainability considerations.

  • Section 2 provides a revised list of habitat categories mapped on the habitat map, the finalised definitions of each habitat categories and the indicative ecological value ranking proposed in Topic Report 1.

  • Section 3 describes the conservation ranking system proposed in Topic Report 1.

  • Section 4 discusses the methodology employed for mapping individual habitat categories and mapping results of the preliminary base map.

  • Section 5 summarises the preparation work performed for ecological field surveys (discussed in Topic Report 2), including a review of existing information to identify information gaps for each habitat type, selection of sites for field surveys and formulation of survey methodology for each habitat category. Actual allocation of survey effort and survey schedule are also included.

  • Section 6 describes the mapping accuracy of each habitat type based on results obtained from field surveys.

  • Section 7 describes the major findings on ecological value assessment of habitats based on results obtained from field surveys, and adjustment of ecological value based on field surveys, HKU Biodiversity Survey data and other existing information. Justification of ecological value of Sites of Special Scientific Interest and the Wetland Conservation and Buffer Areas is also provided.

  • Section 8 discusses the methodology employed for mapping other elements of conservation value, including heritage, recreational and landscape, and their value ranking.

  • Section 9 details the methodology for updating the preliminary habitat map based on survey results, presents the areas mapped for individual habitat categories on the final habitat map, provides the total number of habitat polygons identified and mean area calculated for each habitat type, and identify trends of habitat loss/gain (if any) in the past ten years by comparing the data obtained from this baseline survey with the WWF's 1989 record.

  • Section 10 presents the conclusions of the Final Report.

Annex A provides the training and reference site log sheet summary. Grid locations and statistics of training sites are also included.

Annex B lists the site number, name, number of sub-sites of selected survey sites and major rationale for site selection.

Annex C presents a series of figures showing the overall locations of the survey boxes identified for each habitat type.

Annex D presents the methodology finalised for each habitat type.

Annex E presents the survey schedule of the baseline surveys.

Annex F provides a series of figures illustrating the locations of survey sites/sub-sites.

Annex G comprises a series of tables summarising the results of ecological field surveys.

Annex H contains a list of rare plant species compiled from HKU Biodiversity Survey CD-ROM dataset and Corlett et al (2000).

Annex I lists the types of "unique feature" identified for sites which deserved designation of an asterisk "*".

Annex J describes the database structure of the habitat map.

Annex K presents a list of references quoted in the report.

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2005 版權標誌| 重要告示

最近修訂日期: 二零零五年十二月二十二日