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7.1.5 Freshwater/Brackish Wetland (Indicative Ecological Value: High)

The identified wetlands were found to exist in the form of a marsh, pool and reedbed. Large patches of wetlands (> 10 ha) were observed at South Lantau (Sites 61a and l), Nam Sha Po (Site 43g) and Ting Kok (Sites 51m and n). They were generally remote from urban areas and subject to little or no human disturbance, apart from the patch at Ting Kok (ie Site 51n) which was found to have been disturbed by dumping of solid wastes (eg plastic containers) and urban development (as building of houses near the habitat was noted during the field visit). Aside from the Ting Kok wetland, many other wetlands, generally of much smaller size, were also thought to have been disturbed by pollution as evidenced by the highly turbid, dark brown or black-coloured waters of the habitat. In many areas the odour of hydrogen sulphide was noted indicating poor water quality with low oxygen content.

Impact on wetlands due to urban development was particularly obvious in such survey areas as Kam Tin and Ma On Kong where a number of the sub-sites have been developed or filled for construction purposes (see Table G5 of Annex G for details). A number of the wetland sites were found to be fenced as they are private land and thus inaccessible for detailed habitat surveys. Wetland sites where ecological value was adjusted are presented in Table 7.1f.

Table 7.1f Rationate for Ecological Value Adjustiment of Freshwater/ Brackish Wetland Habitats based on Field Surveys

Site No.

Site Name


Ecological Value After Field Assessment

Rationale for Ecological
Value Re-adjustment
43 Nam Sha Po c Medium Habitat was small in size (< 0.01ha) and supported comparatively low species diversity. Water was highly turbid and black in colour. The odour of hydrogen sulphide was noted.
44 Pak Nai j Medium Habitat was very small in size (<10-4 ha) and supported comparatively low species diversity.
q Medium Water was highly turbid and dark brown in colour.
46 Tai Lam Chung p Medium Habitat was small in size (< 0.01ha) and supported comparatively low species diversity.
47 Kam Tin a Medium Habitat was adversely affected by urban development as part of the wetland had been cleared for development purposes.
48 Ma On Kong i Medium Water was highly turbid and dark brown in colour. The odour of hydrogen sulphide was noted. Part of the sub-site had been filled for development.
50 Fanling d Medium Habitat was small in size (< 0.01ha) and supported comparatively low species diversity.
g Medium Part of the sub-site had been cleared for development. Habitat was small in size (< 0.01ha) and supported comparatively low species diversity.
51 Ting Kok e Medium Part of the sub-site had been cleared for development.
52 Shap Sze Heung b Medium Part of the sub-site had been cleared for development.
53 Ho Chung h Medium Water was black in colour and the odour of hydrogen sulphide was noted. Part of the sub-site had been cleared for development. Habitat was also disturbed by rubbish dumping.
54 Pan Long Wan a Medium Part of the sub-site had been cleared for development.
b Medium Habitat was small in size (< 0.01ha) and supported comparatively low species diversity. Water was brown in colour.
61 South Lantau i Medium Water was highly turbid and brown in colour. The odour of hydrogen sulphide was noted. Part of the sub-site had been cleared for development. Habitat was also disturbed by rubbish dumping.
k Medium Habitat was very small in size (<10-4 ha) and supported comparatively low species diversity.
q Medium Habitat disturbed by rubbish dumping and supported comparatively low species diversity.
163 Sham Chung d Medium Habitat had been adversely affected by development and part of the sub-site area had been cleared for construction purposes.
165 Sheung Miu Tin a Medium Habitat was small in size (< 0.01ha) and supported comparatively low species diversity.

There were seven patches of re-classified Freshwater/Brackish Wetland which also had their ecological value downgraded after field assessment (Table 7.1g). The patches were re-identified from Fishpond/Gei Wai located at Kat Hing Wai (Site 120s), Kam Tin (Sites 121g, h, j and p) and Ngau Tam Mei (Sites 122a and g).

Table 7.1g Rationale for Ecological Value Adjustment of Re-identified Freshwater/ Brackish Wetland Habitats based on Field Surveys
Site No. Site Name Sub-site Initially Mapped Habitat Type

Ecological Value After Field Assessment

Rationale for Ecological Value Re-adjustment
120 Kat Hing Wai s Fishpond/
Gei Wai
Medium Habitat supported comparatively low species diversity and was adversely affected by development.
121 Kam Tin g Fishpond/ Gei Wai Medium Habitat supported comparatively low species diversity and was affected by pollution as indicated by the black-coloured, odorous waters.
h   Medium Habitat supported comparatively low species diversity.
j   Medium Habitat supported comparatively low species diversity.
p   Medium Habitat supported comparatively low species diversity.
122 Ngau Tam Mei a   Medium Habitat supported comparatively low species diversity.
g   Medium Habitat supported comparatively low species diversity and was affected by pollution as indicated by the highly turbid, dark-coloured waters.
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最近修訂日期: 二零零五年十二月二十二日