has been agreed that conservation value will be mapped
as having four components. The primary component will
be ecological value which will determine whether the
area is given an A, B, C or D rating. The remaining
three conservation components are those associated with
heritage, recreation and landscape.
a total of ten days of survey effort was initially assigned
to heritage surveys, it has been agreed with PlanD and
AMO to use the ten days, instead of conducting site
visits, to digitise existing heritage information designated
provided by AMO. Heritage value was therefore mapped
on the basis of existing information provided by AMO.
recreational and landscape value, it has been agreed
that none of the field survey effort for this study
should be allocated to recreational or landscape surveys
and that recreational and landscape value would be mapped
based on a review of existing information. While no
field effort would be specially devoted to landscape
and recreational value, field surveyors have, instead,
made opportunistic notes of any observed recreational
and landscape value features at sites during the ecological
surveys on the basis of guidance provided in the EIAO
TM. Recreational/landscape conservation value in an
area was assessed by applying the agreed criteria to
existing information sources (including the pertinent
field notes). The Study Team have collated all existing
information and features of recreational and landscape
value have been included onto the habitat map. Value
of the recreational and landscape components have been
ranked as either present or absent for each area.
required by the Study Brief, habitat areas should have
values assigned to them based on their heritage, recreational
and landscape value. To achieve this, spatial datasets
must be created for each feature deemed to be important
in terms of the above categories. The layers can then
be overlaid on the habitat map and values assigned to
the polygons that comprise it. Descriptions on how these
layers have been created for individual components are
provided in the following sections.